✟Chapter 1✟Sakamaki Brothers✟

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I don't own Diabolik Lovers the anime nor do I own the visual novel. I have not been fortunate enough to try out the visual novel so this will be basically off of the anime and what ever info I can find.
The only thing I own is my character Yua Komori

Yua's POV

I was unloading the taxi, allowing my sister I only carry her one bag. It began to rain so we quickly thanked the driver and made a run for it to the house that father instructed us to live in.

When we made it to the door, sister knocked on it.

No answer...

Then the door just opened slightly. We quietly slipped in and I left the bags near the entrance, but out of the way. Sister then began to walk over to a boy who was sleeping on a velvet couch.

"Yui, don't bother him..." I warned as she was gently tried to wake the sleeping, redhead stranger. "Yua! come quick! I can't feel his heart beat or his breathing!" she shouted.

I quickly walked over and checked for his heart beat. Then for any signs of breathing... nothing... and he's cold... Yui was about to call an ambulance when the boy began to get up.

"Tsk... your noisy..." he kissed his teeth as he swiped Yui's phone, then looked at Yui. He grew a smirk then flipped her onto her back on the couch. He was on top of her.

When his face got too close I grabbed his closes arm to me and flipped him over my back and onto the floor.

"Keep your tainted hands off my sister..." I said in a warning way. He blinked twice before getting up and glaring at me. "What was that for...?" he hissed.

"Like I said 'keep your tainted hands off of my sister'." I repeated as I helped Yui stand up. "You okay Yui?" I asked in concern.

"Yes. thanks you Yua." She smiled weakly. She was lying, I can feel her trembling...

"Ayato, what are you doing?" a serious voice questioned.

"Reiji..." said boy spat out the name of the voice like it was venom.

"Don't do such things in the entrance hall. do them in you own room." A boy with dark purple, almost as dark as night, hair stepped into view.

"Help me!..." Yui ducked behind the new face, leaving me to stand alone...

'Sister...' I think sorrowfully.

"Who are you two and how did you get in?" the purple haired boy, who I now see has glasses, asked in an irritated tone.

Yui was about to answer him when I pulled her beside me and began to speak. "Sorry for the intrusion sir." I bowed. "This is my older sister, Yui Komori, and I am Yua Komori, her younger sister. My sister and I were on our way here when it started to rain. We were told that we'd be living here by our father so we just let ourselves in."

The glasses boy sighed while using his middle finger to push up his glasses. "I know nothing of the sorts. Did you know about this Ayato?"

"Nope." the redhead replied simply.

"This is the Sakamaki residence is it not?" I ask in a mannered way.

"Yes this is the Sakamaki residence, but I wasn't informed of this." The glasses one spoke.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Yui asked. "We shouldn't talk here. Come this way." He then led the three of us to what looks to be the living room. A man came out of the shadows and bright our bags to I think another room.

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