✟Chapter 6✟Two Awakenings✟

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I don't own Diabolik Lovers the anime nor do I own the visual novel. I have not been fortunate enough to try out the visual novel so this will be basically off of the anime and what ever info I can find.
The only thing I own is my character Yua Komori

Yua's POV

It's been about 48 hours since Yui was found by Ayato an Laito.

I walked into Yui's room to find Ayato sleeping next to her, the blanket separating his arm that's draped over her delicate body.

Normally I'd be pissed and kick him through a wall, but the peaceful look on Yui's face erased that from my thoughts. 'She looks so safe... in his arms...' I place Yui's basket of now clean cloths next to her closet before closing the door-quietly- and making my way to my room.

'Christa I think... it has begun...' I tell her through my thoughts. "Yes... and it's happening faster then I expected... Damn that Richter, and Cordelia." She hissed weakly. "My time in your body is expired now as well, you'll be in more pain then before once I'm gone. I'm so sorry I can't stop that but it is the condition to breaking the seal..." She sighs and sadly apologizes.

'Don't be sad or sorry, Christa.' I reassure. 'My temporary health condition isn't your fault, it's the fault of the almost broken seal. I'm grateful to you, because if it weren't for you, I'd have died years ago. And now, I am soon to be immortal again. I'll miss you... Christa...' A single tear slips pass my defensive.

"I'll miss you to, Yua... My little flame, light up my son's world with your gentle flame, just like how you lit up mine..." And with that, she passed on. I am no longer a vessel for her soul, now that she's gained her wish.

"Now it's my turn... to gain my wish..." I mumble as I feel his presence approach Yui and the snapping sound of the seal rings through my mind.

No One's POV

After enduring 2 hours of agonizing pain, Yua changes in to a grey green zubon pants (three quarter length), wine red obi as a belt, a short white tank-top, and straw zōri.

She grabs her silver sword as she ties back her hair in a high ponytail with a thin red ribbon and leaves her bedroom.

Yua takes a whiff of the air. "Yui... you've become an irresistible feast to us... Gomen.... gomenasai Oneesan..." Yua grins up at the ceiling as her fangs sharpen and grey eyes darken a shade.
"My blood... is boiling..."

Yua continues walking, following the sweet scent of Yui's blood. Each step she take, her hair begins to fade back into a silver that could rival the moon.

Time Skip

Everyone has gathered in the living room of the Sakamaki mansion.

Cordelia, who is now in Yui's body...

Richter... Standing by Cordelia's side.

Reiji... Irritated, slightly pissed off and was just slapped.

Laito... "Ne ne, let's stop this fighting. We're family." Everyone turns. "I thought the next time I saw you would be in Hell" he comments.

Kanato... "Mother, but how?"

Subaru... "Oh, be quiet. Neither of you belong here." He walks over, with hands in his pants' pockets, to where Laito an Kanato stand. "Get lost."

"You put on a good show, Subaru..." Richter comments,"...despite you inability to protect your own mother." Subaru snaps and attempts to hit Richter, but fails.

"None of you can hope to rival me." Richter states as he looks down at the three boys below him, since he, Cordelia, and Reiji are on the second level balcony of the living room.

Reiji makes his way down to stand with his half-brothers. "Are you sure about that?" Shu's voice challenges Richter as he lay on the lower floor couch. "You're the one who's putting on a show." He stood up and faced his uncle. "To Karlheinze, the head of this family, you don't even register as a rival."

"Is this the best entertainment you can provide?" Cordelia walks over to Richter as she speaks. "You people are as dull as ever. The worst thing about this is that you all prevent me from being my vibrant self."

"Or maybe you were never 'vibrant' in the first place, Cordelia." A female voice stated/insulted.

Everyone turned to the back of the room. There standing was a girl with waist length silver hair, that's tied up in a high ponytail, and deep grey eyes. The girl walked closer until she stood next to Subaru. "Tsk. What are you doing here, Yua Wasureteimasen!" Cordelia spat her question at Yua.

"Hm... it's been a long time since someone's called me by my real name. People usually call me Yua Komori." Yua chuckles darkly.

"Doll-chan?..." Laito breaths out as all the boys stared at her in disbelief. "What happened to your hair, Yua-san?" Kanato asked.

She smiled gently at the 5 boys who stood before her. "The seal has finally finished braking, my true form is what stands before you. Let me introduce myself again to you all." She bowed slightly as a greeting. "I am Yua Wasureteimasen."

Yua's POV

I looked up to Cordelia, the boys' eyes followed my gaze to her as well. "Cordelia, get the hell out of my sister's body. I finally find her reincarnated body, only to learn that your sad excuse for a heart was implanted into her body." I hissed. "And FYI, Karlheinze only married you because of who your daddy was, Beatrix and Christa were his real loves, he told me himself a few year ago." I smirk at the sight of that bitch steaming with rage.

"I'm tired of this." Cordelia huffed her teeth and handed Subaru's silver knife to Richter. "Dispose of them for me. Do so and I will make you the head of the family."

"Do you swear to make me the next head of the family if I kill them?" Richter questions. "Yes." Was his answer.

"That's strange. Wasn't that already one of the terms of our agreement when I saved you as you lay dying?" Cordelia turns to Richter slightly. "You swore that if I save your life, you would put me on the throne."

Cordelia clung to his arm. "Richter, I will do anything you desire. Now hurry up and dispose of these boys and that wretched girl. Do it for me."

"You are a fool. You are useless to me in your less-than pristine condition. All I need is your heart." Richter says coldly as Cordelia backs away very slowly. "As long as I awaken the girl who ha your heart, and make her mine, I can become the next head of the family without your assistance."

Cordelia backed away in disbelief. "Did you plan this from the moment I entrusted to you my heart?" "Did you only just realize that?" Richter smirks. "It is not you who's using me. It is I who is using you."

He grabbed her wrist and was about to bite her neck when a ticked off voice spoke.

"Oi! Would the both of you just shut the hell up? She belongs to me." Ayato finally entered the scene.

✟Hidden Tears✟ (Diabolik Lovers FanFlic)~Subaru StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ