I held my sword up to its neck, but it seemed to be 10 times stronger than I was.

I heard Clary scream, "BEHIND YOU!", in the midst of all the madness. 

She probably wasn't directing that to me.

"Juliette Charpentier. (Shar-pen-tea-yay) So nice to meet you." He snarled as he slowly pushed down my sword.

"Alban was such an easy kill. So was Giselle. Two of the most powerful warlocks and their pretty-teensy-weensy daughter. Mumsy and Daddy and Juliee." 

I felt anger bubbling in my stomach.

"Yes darling, let the eyes control you! " He laughed. 

I looked to my left, where a shiny silver platter was, and in the reflection I saw a girl with not mud brown eyes, bright gold eyes. I struggled even more.

"Larger than life. But let me tell you, ripping their bodies apart was the greatest thing I'd ever done. Feeling their bones crunch under my hands. Ripping into juicy flesh. Having their warm blood trickle down my-"

I never got to figure out where the blood trickled down, because Alec cut the head off of the vampire and blood splattered all over my face and clothes.

He helped me up and I wiped the majority of the blood off of my face.

"Baby, your eyes." Alec looked at me strangely for a minute, but then punched a vampire and stabbed it.

I didn't answer. I couldn't. So I wiped my eyes, prayed they turned back to normal, and kept killing. 

I heard Clary's screams and then a gunshot. It seemed to pierce through the chaos and silence ensued as the vampires, or what was left of them, grouped together and stalked towards us.

We slowly moved backwards.

"There's too many of them." Izzy spoke.

"Have a little faith." Jace countered. 

They stalked forward, as if attacking us, but suddenly these massive wolves crashed through the windows and attacked the vampires.

Biggest plot twist of the night.

We began running as chaos erupted all around us, and we ran out to the rooftop. 

SImon was panting heavily and I lay a hand on his chest. His breathing returned to normal. Strange. 

We had no time for comment because we had to get out of there.

Another vampire jumped where we were and Jace screamed, "RUN!"

We continued stabbing and fighting and we almost died until a wolf attacked the vampire about to attack us. 

Where are all these wolves coming from?

The wolf growled as us and Clary took the initiative. 

"Jace I need a knife." She grabbed one from him and cut the wolf as it shrank back and whimpered.

My eyes flickered toward the sun. 

"The sun." Clary voiced my thoughts.

"Let's go." Jace grabbed Simon and we sped out of there, climbing towards the ladder.

Simon went first, obviously, then Jace, Clary, Izzy, Me, and then Alec. 

Once we made it to the glorious sun, Alec grabbed me and pulled me into his chest. 

His hands were on my lower back and mine were wrapped around his neck as we held eachother, panting heavily. I looked him deep in the eye and he did the same as we drowned out the world.

I broke the silence. "This life...it's dangerous. And we will never know if we're going to live to see tomorrow. So I'll say it first. I love you. I'm in love with you."

He pulled me even closer and whispered in my ear, nipping at my earlobe like the first time we met, and whispered.

"God, I love you. I love you so much." 

We looked into eachother's eyes for a moment and my lips smashed into his. The kiss was hungry and passionate and he pushed me against a conviniently placed wall that I didn't know was there that also hid us from the rest of the group and we continued the kiss.

He assaulted my neck, leaving a mark that would be there for a while before coming back to my lips. I tangled my hands into his hair, gently tugging the strands, and his hands rubbed my stomach, inching higher and higher until..

"MY EYES! MY POOR VIRGIN EYES!" I rollled my eyes at Simon as Alec and I pulled apart, fixing ourselves

"Why can't you guys be as innocent as Clary and Jace? Sure, they like eachother and they think no one notices, but they keep it PG! Now I have to walk into you guys basically having sex on a rooftop! Look at that-JESUS AMB! Is that a lovebite? YOU NEED A BIBLE!" 

"Glad to see you back, Si." I walked past him and patted his head as Alec followed.

"You guys even smell like sex!"


Back at the Institute, Alec and I rushed into his room and locked the door. 

"Now where were we?" He smirked and walked towards me.

I shivered, but not because of the cold.

He grabbed my hand and led me to his bed, gently laying me down as he hovered on top of me.

"Tonight." He kissed my ear.

"I'm going to love you so hard."

He kissed my nose, then stared into my brown eyes.

"Let's just say you won't be able to walk for a long time, baby."

He attacked my lips and I moaned, which made him kiss me harder.

I pulled my dress off and we continued kissing. He attacked my neck and left more marks as I whispered his name over and over again.

The rest of whatever garnments kept me from him melted away as we kissed with as much passion as we could, our lips moving in sync with our bodies, the only sounds coming from our mouths were moans and whispers.

He pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"Let me love you." He whispered.

(Bruh thats like two references in one lol. Wait im killing the vibe oops sorry)

He kissed my neck, then my collarbones, then in between my chest, then my stomach and when his lips landed there, I knew this was gonna be a hella long night.

And it was.


Also, just gonna clear up a few things...

1. Updating might be a bit slow because of the school year especially this month and possibly next.

2. My knee surgery is also going to prevent me from updating as soon as I want to.

3. Follow me on insta-@lois_b32

4. Wisdom teeth hurt so much I can't.

As usual..





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