Tell him I love him

Start from the beginning

"I said leave me alone" I repeated once more, a bit louder this time

His crew began to laugh as he scoffed, using his hand like a puppet to mimic me talk. He shoved me up against the lockers with a cold look in his eyes, the impact knocking the wind out of me.

"Don't try to boss around little nerd." Hr growled before tossing me aside and walking away

I fell to the floor with a groan. It was the third time this week that this had happened, and people always watches but didn't act.

"Alyssa" Matt's urgent voice called out as he rushed to my side

So now he notices huh?

"Leave me alone" I huff again, this time to Matt

"Let me help you!" He said helping to steady me out as I stood up

"WELL YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HELPING ME WHEN THIS ALL STARTED!" I yelled, snapping under the pressure

"Maybe you should take notice of what's really going on around you! So far my mothers dissapered, Roxy has died, I've been bullied and I lost my best friend to fame!"

His eyes crowded his eyes, probably remembering the promise he gave me before he left to Magcon


"Hey buddy, careful out there. I don't wanna lose you with all those snobs when you become famous"

"Don't worry Alyssa, I promise I won't let myself"


"Look I'm so-"

"Sorry doesn't cover half of it" I snapped before turning on my heels and walking the way we came from, straight out of school

I wasn't in the mood to put up with bullies, I was tired of being hurt and ignored by my family and only friends. It all hurt more then it looked, like it was repedidly stabbing my heart and not giving up.

Maybe I should just give up...

Maybe I should just get away from all of this...

No one cares if I dissapere anyways.



I watched in horror as Alyssa left the school. I realized what a terrible person i had been since I came back home. I didn't bother to notice Frank hurting her, or that her dog had died, or not even the fact that her parents were getting a divorse...

And I'm sure she told me all this, but I just didn't listen. I broke the promise to the girl I loved....

I know she likes me but... I've been scared on asking her out, but I guess I blew my chance. I've loved her since the day we met till now, and I would never chose anyone else over her... But I guess I let myself choose fame over her, even though that's not what my heart wanted.

I knew from past experience to let Alyssa cool down before talking to her. I'm sure this is the time to tell her. To tell her that I would drop everything for her, that I would lay down my life for her. And maybe... Just maybe, she would forgive me. And maybe she would become mine.

But for now, I had to get to my first class..

Mathew chill down a bit your shaking, you only have three more classes.....

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