Rogue x Sick! Reader

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Your P.O.V.

I woke up to a very hot and dry feeling in my throat. I sat up slowly and grabbed my head in annoyance as I immediately felt dizzy. I looked around a bit until I spotted the glass of water I had on my nightstand. I grabbed it and chugged it all quickly. After it was gone I made my way to the kitchen for more. After about three glasses I went to go get dressed. I kept it simple and put on some black leggings and long sleeve white shirt that had a (f/c) design on it. Then I added my (favorite shoes) and did my hair how i normally do it. I went to brush my teeth when a wave of nausea over took me causing me to stumble.

"W-what the..." I steadied myself against a wall and let the nausea pass over me. "Probably just dehydration." I brushed my teeth and decided to continue with my day. I grabbed a glass of water, chugged it, and made my way to the saber tooth guild. When I got there I immediately made my way to the request board. "I need a good job. Gotta pay rent." I mumbled to myself. Just after that, sabertooth twin dragons, Sting and Rogue, made their way over to me.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Sting smiled. "Wanna go on a job with us?"

"Uhm.... I. Uhm. Not this time. I... I need to just do a quick easy one I." I paused and took in a deep breath, hoping to ease the nausea slowly creeping back. "My rent is due. So, n.. next time."

"(Y/n)?" Rogue questioned, "Are you okay?"

Rogues P.O.V.

I watched as (Y/n)'s demeanor changed. She began stuttering.

"(Y/n)?" I questioned, "Are you okay?"

She was pale as a ghost, sweating, and squinting with her face close to the board. She began swaying back and forth with her eyes squinting and opening, trying to focus on what was in front of her.


"You don't look too good." Sting commented as he put his hand on her shoulder. That simple actions seemed to be all it took took to push her over the edge. Before we all knew it, she was falling face first into the request board. Sting grabbed ahold of her as Lector yelled.


"Shhh." I hushed him, "we don't want to make a scene. If Master found out she was too weak to stand what do you think would happen to her?"

Lector covered his mouth and Frosche frowned. "Will she be okay?" He asked

"She's got a pretty bad fever." Sting said as he held her against his chest. "She's really burning up." He looked to me. "Rogue you should take her back to your place and see if you can get her fever down some. I'll take care of the mission, and I'll tel master that (Y/n) is coming with us so he doesn't get suspicious due to her absence." I nodded and took (Y/n) from his arms. I immediately get her fever as I swiftly carried her bridal style out the door of the guild.

"Lector, lets go!" Sting yelled, trying to make sure our guild mates were preoccupied with him so they wouldn't notice me and frosche leaving with and unconscious (Y/n).

———————- le time skip brought to you by how sorry I am for the lack of updates. I really am trash. -———————

Your P.O.V.

I opened my eyed and immediately felt a pounding in my head. I reached up and felt a cold, wet towel on my forehead.

"What the-"

"(Y/n)? Are you awake?" Rogue walked around the corner. His face spelled worry and concern.

"Rogue? What happened?" I asked as I sat up, "and where am I?"

He walked over to the bed I was sitting on and sat down next to me. "You're at my house. You passed out in the hall. Are you feeling alright?" He reaches out a hand and moved the towel in order to feel my forehead. "You're still burning up."

"I feel fine." I said as I pushed his hand away from me. "I appreciate your concern but I really need to go on a job." I moved so that my legs were hanging over the floor.

"(Y/n)..." Rogue sighed.

"I really am fine." I assured him. I stood and made my way towards the door.

"(Y/n) you really need to rest."

"I'm fine real-" Once I made it to the hallway I felt a rush to my head and almost fell over. My vision blacked out as I leaned my weight against the wall, catching myself in time before I hit the ground. "(Y/n)?" Rogue got to you in time too before you fell to the ground. He held you up and waited for you to regain your focus. "(Y/n), you need rest."

"M-maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea." He led me to the couch and I slowly sat down.

"Wait here. I'm going to go get you some medicine and something to eat."

———————- le time skip ———————-

Rogues P.O.V.

"Here (Y/n). I brought some fever reducers for you and also something for the nausea. There's soup on the stove too." When I looked to the couch I saw that (Y/n) was fast asleep. I felt a blush creep to my cheeks as I looked at her. The way her skin was flushed with fever. The way her lips parted ever so slightly. The way her chest rises and falls with each breath. Even the way she's drooling right now. Despite myself, I smiled.

"I think I'm in love with her."

"Fro thinks so too!"

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