Ill protect you from the dark- Sting x reader

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Your P.O.V.

I was on my way home from the sabertooth guild. We had partied for a while because of an unknown reason and now it was dark. And truth is, I'm terrified of the dark. In my attempt to run away from a scary noise I took a wrong turn and now I'm lost. 'Great.' Every little noise made me jump and shiver, and I swear someone is watching me.

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed as a bat flew out of a corner right at me. I crouched down low and put my hands over my head. Then I felt someone grab my wrist.

"LET GO OF ME! SOMEONE HE-" I started but they put their other hand over my mouth.

"Shhhh, baby, I'll protect you, you can come with me to my place and we can have a little fun along the way." They whispered in my ear seductively.

I started crying. 'I wish that sting was here right now. Wait what? Do I like him, no, wait, this is not the time to think about these things (y/n), you have to figure out how t-'

"LET GO OF HER!" I heard a voice yell. A ball of light hit the man and he went flying. I was about to fall on my knees but the other person caught me before I hit the ground.


"Shh, (y/n), it's me, Sting." The person said.

"S-sting? Why, how?" I stuttered, blushing bright red.

"I heard you screaming," Sting said and hugged me. "I'm just glad that you're okay."

I heard a noise that freaked me out so I hugged him, tight.

"What's wrong?" Sting asked worry etched in his voice.

"I-its just that... That..."

"Hey, (y/n), you can tell me anything." Sting stroked my hair.

"W-well, ya see... I'm, a, t-terrified o-of... T-the d... Dar... Thedark." I finally managed to say.

"What was that? You're scared of what? I didn't understand." Sting said.

"The dark." I sighed.

Sting chuckled. But like, that kind of chuckle that causes him to puff up his cheeks.

"Don't laugh at me..." I whimpered pulling away from him. "I can't help it..."

"I'm sorry (Y/n)." Sting said while standing up and pulling me up with him. "Here, I'll walk you home. Where do you live?"


"WHAT?!" Sting was really shocked. "That's so far away from here. Are you telling me that you walk back and forth between here and Magnolia every day?"

"Yeah," I replied. "I get it if you don't wanna help me." I started walking away.

"No, I do." Sting gently grabbed my hand and I blushed. "How about you come stay at my place? Just for tonight, anyway."

"O-okay..." This is the first time that I'm glad its dark so Sting cant see my red face.

"Okay, great. This way." We walked to Stings apartment hand in hand. It was only like a block away from where we were earlier. "Here we are! Home sweet home." Sting opened the door and we walked inside. It was rather plain. Most of the furniture was white or black. The walls were grey. "Here." Sting tossed me a shirt. "You can sleep in this."

"T-thanks." I blushed again. "Where's the bathroom?" Sting pointed to the door next to him and I went in and changed. I set my clothes by the door and sat on the white couch with black pillows.

"I hope you don't mind," Sting said. "But I think I'm gonna go to bed."

"Oh, okay. But where do I sleep?"

"With me silly!" Sting smiled and I blushed. I followed him to his room and we both climbed into the bed.

"Good night (Y/n)."

"Good night St- AHHH!" I screamed when I heard thunder. Sting made a ball of light in his hand and pulled me close to him. "Its okay (y/n), ill protect you from the dark."

I smiled and cuddled with Sting until I fell asleep

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