Dreams of Kaito

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(Kaito's POV)

              I looked around the room. I had no idea where I was. I looked around for Len. The room was unfamiliar. It was as if someone had just taken me away. I got up from my spot on the floor and wandered around the room. Everything was white except for a few things here and there.

"Am I in some kind of asylum?" I left the room and headed down the hallway. More white. I turned the corner only to see Len. His body on the floor as if it couldn't live for another second. Cries rang out in what I thought was my head. I stared at Len's aching body wanting to scoop him up and hold him close, but whenever I got close the cries grew louder.

"K-Kaito please! It hurts! Kaito help me!" Once again I stepped closer, but the screams hurt so much that all I could do was watch. Watch the person I loved so much with all my heart. Watch him scream out begging for me to help him.

Hours passed and he was still on the ground. His cries were softer as long as I stayed where I was. Just then, Miku appeared. Standing over his corpse like body, a knife held in her hand.

"I just wanted to be with you. I just needed to be by you. But now look what you've done. I love you more than this rotting corpse ever could. If you had just sa-"

"STOP! MIKU JUST STOP! LEAVE LEN ALONE! IF YOU REALLY LOVED ME, THEN YOU WOULD HAVE LET ME BE WITH MY LOVER INSTEAD OF TRYING TO PERSUADE ME, AND GET ME TO LEAVE LEN!" She stared at me. She raised the knife above her head. "I love you so much it hurts to see anyone who isn't me with you. I love you so much it drives me insane. I loved you."

More of Len's screaming and crying blasted in my head. I ran towards him not caring how loud the cries had gotten. I grabbed him and held him close. I stared at his tear-stained cheeks and wiped away the tears that were spilling. "I'm here now. Don't worry." He started to laugh. The laughter was filled with insanity. He stared at me, his blood shot eyes staring into mine, laughing.

"You love Miku don't you?! You just lied to me didn't you?! Well I have news for you!" He pulled a knife from his pocket and stabbed my head. Before everything disappeared I saw him stab himself and mouth the words 'I love you'. What did this mean? Was this a warning, a story of past lovers but with us this time? Our future? I didn't really care. As long as I had Len, I knew I would be just fine.

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