His Return

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I don't own the picture. Credit to the owner.

(Len's POV)

                       I was such an idiot. I knew Kaito didn't really like me like that. All of it was lies. Lies I forced myself to believe. I knew he wouldn't chase after me so I only had to run for a short distance. I hid in an empty classroom and let the tears fall. He didn't love me, yet I still wanted him to burst through the door and wrap his arms around me while I cried. I waited and dried the tears from my face. I stood up shakily and looked around. I didn't hear anyone so I slowly looked out. I heard some voices. It was Kaito telling Miku something.

                 "Look Miku, I know you like me but I just can't I'm sorry but I like Len." That's what I wanted to hear but instead he told her something. Something that made me scream. I dropped to the ground crying as I heard footsteps come closer to me. I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up to see a boy in red hugging me. Akaito. I struggled to get away but he held me tight. I wanted to scream for Kaito but then I realized he loved Miku. I began to hug back when the arms let go. I felt someone push Akaito off and I looked to see Kaito. He was very upset and was almost as red as Akaito's scarf. "Len why are you hugging him?" I stared at Kaito as he looked down at me. "Because I'm upset. I lost the love of my life." "L-Len I love you but I don't want to hurt you." I looked into his eyes as he began to cry. "Kaito you idiot. I love you too." He grabbed me and picked me up. He hugged me so tightly and it felt like time had stopped. "Kaito you're my boyfriend!" "Len you're mine!!!!!!!!!!!!" I looked at Akaito and Kaito looked at Miku. Kaito then pushed passed Miku and ran as I held on for dear life. "I'm not letting them have MY Len!" growled Kaito as he burst out the front doors." "Umm Kaito where are you heading to?"

"Somewhere where it's safe for you and me. A place where no one can stop our love for each other." He rushed to his car and got in not even bothering to let me down. I snuggled into his chest and noticed in the mirror that he was blushing so hard. It all felt right as if nothing could go wrong. He started the car as I feel asleep on him. He buried his nose into my bangs as he drove to his house.

                When we got there he opened the door and I saw a blue room. It was gorgeous. I looked around as he led me into the bathroom where he wiped away the tear stains. (A/N wish someone could do that to me). He led me into the kitchen where he made me some dinner. It was just a banana and some milk but it filled me up right away. He then gave me some clothes and told me to go change in the bathroom. I nodded as I walked into the bathroom. I have to admit his house was way nicer than mine. I thought back to his dorm room where almost everything was neat. When I finished changing he told me to take the bed. "K-Kaito can you sleep with me. I'm worried after what happened today." He nodded and climbed in with me. I snugged Into his chest as he wrapped his arm around me. I was so glad we would spend tonight together but so many thoughts went through my head. What about Miku. What about Akaito and Rin. I looked over at Kaito to see him looking ahead. "Kaito are you up too?" He nodded. "I'm sorry about what happened back there Kaito. I guess I was just jealous."No I'm sorry. I love you and I should have been there to protect you but I wasn't. I was going to ask Miku out. I was going to leave yo. I'm so sorry. You must hate me right now. After all I have done to hurt you. I-" I cut him off by kissing his lips. "Kaito this is all in the past. I only want to think of you. If you're happy then so am I." He blushed and hugged me again. Nothing bad could happen to us right now. I thought about maybe moving in with him so that way I could be safe and be with him but I didn't want to be a burden/ Kaito was now asleep and I was still awake thinking about everything. Finally I fell asleep.

                I woke up to the smell of bacon. I forgot what had happened and then it all came rushing back. Kaito about to go out with Miku. Akaito trying to get me. I wish I never remembered but I did. Kaito came out of the kitchen with a little hat on. "Kaito what are you wearing?" "Oh you mean my little chefs hat. I wear it sometimes just for fun." He smiled. He was so cute when he was happy. He turned and walked back into the kitchen and I followed. There was bacon and pancakes along with all kinds of fruit. "Wow Kaito this looks amazing!" "I thought you might be hungry so I decided to try and make something for you." I blushed. "Thank you Kaito." He nodded and went back to cooking the bacon. "Hey Len I heard there was another storm coming so we have to be careful." Oh great another storm. I guess it was okay now that Kaito was with me but what if something went wrong and I lost him. I couldn't let that happen. "If there is a storm then promise me you won't leave my side okay?" "I would never do that to you Len and you know it." He said with a somewhat serious tone. "Alright. Let's eat!"


School of Talent (Kaito x Len)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu