School Starts Again.

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(Kaito's POV)

     School started again and I was so glad to hear that. The dorms were fixed up. I had no one as my dorm mate that was cool. No one bothered me about why I loved ice-cream or if I had gotten my homework done. My old room mate would always ask questions about school or my personal life. "Who do you like? Do you like Miku? What's the answer for this problem. KAITO. KAITO. KAITO!"So many questions and screaming my name out that I really tried to avoid going to my dorm until it was time for lights out. I felt bad for doing so but they didn't need to no that much about me and I'm pretty sure they didn't need to yell my name all the time. It was breakfast and some people said I was lucky for not having a dorm mate but really it was very lonely. I wish Len was my room mate but I pretty sure it would have been even more awkward.

(Len's POV)

       Oliver was still not back. Besides Kaito, he was really my only other friend but I had a small crush on him so I couldn't speak with Kaito that well with out stuttering. Sad I know right. I tried texting Oliver to see if he was ok. No answer. I was so worried about my friend I forgot about everything besides him. I just needed my best friend with me right now. "Len you ok?" I looked over and saw Kaito smiling at me. I blushed and said "O-Oh umm yeah I'm good." I gave Kaito an awkward smile as he turned his head and went back to eating. I let a small sigh out and tried to text Oliver. Nothing. "Hey it's ok Oliver is probably busy right now." said Kaito. "You should at least eat first." I glanced at him for a short time then  went back to try and get Oliver to answer me. I felt like crying I was so worried. Kaito continued to try and comfort me but to no avail. I went back to my dorm. My room mat was some kid I don't know. I don't really like talking to other people so I never asked what his name was.

(Miku's POV)

       So I am supposed to be the nice girl but no I'm not. I dislike almost everyone here except for Kaito. He was so cute. I want him to go out with me but he doesn't really like me that way. He's always with that kid Len and his friend What's His Name. I have tried to get him to go out with me but nothing works. I guess I'm just going to have to get rid of Len.

School of Talent (Kaito x Len)Where stories live. Discover now