Recap. ( More Untold Secrets. )

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Paris Point Of View.!

It's been a week since we all got back from that night when they ended it with my mom's uncle.  My mom hasn't talked to my uncle Dominic at all. She won't even entertain him. I mean I understand her being mad but he's her brother. Anyways Keyontay and Matthew are over right now.  Keyontay blames himself for what happened to me the night I got taken. It wasn't his fault. I tried to explain that.  Now he won't let me out his site. Yes so cute sometimes. My uncle Dominic is also staying with us until he goes to fix things with Auntie Imogen. They have already talked and he's seen her and things but overall he really missed her and she misses him. es, suppose to be moving back in with her tomorrow. 

Anyways mom just called everyone to eat.  When we got downstairs we all sat at the table. It was My mom and dad on both ends of the table. Keyontay and I on one side then My uncle Domo, Stephen, and Matthew on the other side. We All started eating.  " This is good baby, " Dad said. " Yeah really good Sky Bear, " Uncle Dominic said. " Thanks, August " Mom said. " Sky talk to me, please. I know what I did was fucked up but I love you so much and I did it to protect you.  To protect Y'all family " Uncle Dominic said putting his fork down.  My mom got up and went into the kitchen. Uncle Dominic and my dad got up and walk into the kitchen with her.  I got up and followed them but hid in the cut with Keyontay, Matthew and Stephen next to me.

Skyller's Point of View.!

I went into the kitchen and started washing dishes.  " Skyller talk to me.  I'm your brother you can't hide from me forever " Dominic said.  That just pissed me the fuck off.  I grabbed a plate and threw it at him. Dominic and August ducked and it hit the wall shattering.  Paris ran in and grabbed me.  " If you gave a fuck about you being my brother you wouldn't have left for all those fucking years, Dominic.  I hate you and I swear I mean that " I yelled.  " Skyller I can't change what I did.  Don't you think I regret leaving you and my niece?  It tore me the fuck up inside.  I know it hurt y'all because when I went to my funeral all I saw was hurt in your eyes.  You never cried but I knew it was killing you.  You're the only person I ever had growing up when Mom and Dad died.  I knew you felt like everyone you love was leaving you but this is the only way I could protect you, My niece and my brother " Dominic said looking at me.  " Protecting us how.? By leaving for 9 fucking years without even a warning " I yelled. 

" Yes.! You guys weren't safe with us not knowing Devin's moves.  He kidnapped Paris and I didn't even know he was doing it.  I protected her while he had her too.  I bought her food, made sure she stayed warm.  I would have killed him early if he did anything to her.  I didn't expect it to take nine years for him to finally wanna get his revenge though.  I promise I never meant to hurt you " Dominic said. I grabbed another plate and threw it.  I threw 2 more when Paris grabbed me.  " Mom stop, please.  Calm down " Paris said grabbing my hands.  " I fucked up my kid's lives.  I made them hate me.  Paris started cutting herself.  Stephen didn't even wanna be around us Dominic and it's all because I was so hurt about you dying I didn't think about them I threw my self into my work.  August and we started fighting.  Our relationship failed.  Our marriage failed.  Everything.  All because of you " I yelled.  

" Skyller I'm sorry you have to believe me, " Dominic said.  " Mom you didn't mess our lives up.  We love you.  That'll never change " Paris said.  " Yeah.  We understand parents make mistakes.  We just missed you guys.  We wanted to be a family.  We hated having Y'all gone all the time.  Mari and I love you.  Both of you " Stephen said walking in all the way.  " Mom I didn't start cutting because of just you.  It's not your fault.  I was depressed.  I missed Uncle Dominic.  I missed the way our family was before all this stuff happened.  I missed being a kid.  It's like I had to step up and grow up when I wasn't ready.  I started doing things I wasn't ready for.  I started messing with guys that only wanted one thing from me.  I was being abused by one of those guys and I couldn't tell anybody that because Y'all were already going thru the stuff with Uncle Dominic and all y'all did was argue.  It was because of Y'all, it was everything " Paris said.  When she said that every bodies jaw dropped and Keyontay and Matthew walked in.  

Paris Point of View.!

" Paris what guy use to hit you " Keyontay said looking at me.  " It's not important, " I said.  " Paris why didn't you say anything baby " My mom said.  " I didn't know how I thought it was my fault.  I thought if I would just be the girl he wanted he would stop " I said putting my head down.  " Who is he Paris " Dad and Uncle Dominic said with there hands balled.  " This guy I went to school with " I said.  " Jeffery " Keyontay said walking to me.  " Yeah " I said shaking my head.  " That's the guy you was dating before we got together.  That night you was walking home and I saw you, why was you crying for real " Keyontay asked.  

" I had just broke up with him and I told him I didn't wanna be with him anymore.  He beat me up.  He told me I was a hoe and that I just wanted to be with someone else.  He tried to have sex with me but I wouldn't let him and he beat me up and then I ran out and never looked back " I said with tears in my eyes.  Keyontay hugged me.  " Look Paris your mom has been thru a lot.  The best person you could have talked to would have been her.  Don't ever be scared to tell her something because we will ride or die for you.  All of us " Uncle Dominic said. " Okay " I said.  " Sky I'm sorry okay I just want you to forgive me " Uncle Dominic said.  " I forgive you Domo " Mom said.  Uncle Dominic hugged her and she cried.  After that we all ate and went to sleep.  Keyontay and I talked about everything I said down stairs and he just held me all night.  I love Keyontay.  The boys slept in my room with me for tonight. 

~ This was just a recap of everything that happened after they handle the business with Devin.  Now from here on out is the new story.!!!!!!!!!! I might do flashbacks every now and then but yeah that's about it.  Hope y'all enjoy the book All Grown Up ( The Last Book. )  Enjoy.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~

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