Chapter 3

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Rick and I both look towards the door, and see Carmen standing there, glaring at us.

"What?" I ask. "Never seen two people hugging?"

"Er, yeah, but that's kinda where I'm supposed to be," she says.

"Aw, shame," I say. She stands there gawping at me, like I'm an exotic fish in a tank. Obviously no-one's tried arguing with this girl much. I've no idea why.

"What?!" Rick asks.

"Duh, you said we could be friends," she stresses the last word.

"Yes, as in friends. Nothing more. Maybe I'd see you as a sister, but nothing more than that. Especially not what you're thinking," Rick says.

"But we're perfect for each other," Carmen says, putting her hand on his arm. I raise my eyebrow.

"No, we're not," he pushes her hand away.

"Fine, it's your loss," she says, and flounces out of the room. Rick punches the wardrobe with the side of his fist.

"Erm," I say. He looks up.

"Sorry Izzy, forgot you were here during that." he says.

"It's my room.." I remind him.

"Crap, yeah, sorry. She's just one of those girls who never stop, y'know?" he says.

"Yeah, I know," I say. He flops back onto the bed, and I lay down beside him. "Actually Rick.."


"I was gonna ask if there was something going on between you two.."

"What?!" he sits up straight, his expression a cross between confusion, frustration and shock. It's such a strange expression, I have to bite back the laughter. "Why?!"

"Because you two just seemed so... at ease when you were sat talking at lunch. And she looked rather jealous when you accepted my offer to jump into your arms." He chuckles. "Sorry about that by the way." I apologise.

"It doesn't matter, the least I'd expect from you," he says, a twinkle in his eye.

"Thanks!" I say sarcastically, hitting him with my pillow. We have a small pillow fight, but then just lie there. I rest my head against his shoulder. "I really have missed you Rick. Loads and loads."

"I missed you too Iz," he says. I look up and he has a small smile on his face, his dimples showing slightly. He moves some stray hair from out my eye, and we just smile at each other. I make a mental note to try not to get in as much trouble here. The last thing I want is to be taken from Rick again.

<><> FlashBack <><>

"CLARISSA STEVENS OFFICE NOW!" A voice bellows, no doubt everyone can hear it. Slowly, Clarissa makes her way to the office.

"You wanted to see me?" she asks, standing at the doorway.

"Yes. Come in and sit down." the careworker says, a growl in his voice. With a sigh, Clarissa sits down.

"What have I done now?" she asks. She's always getting into trouble, even when things aren't her fault. Apparently.

"Nothing Clarissa" the careworker says.

"Please, just call me Izzy!" she says.

"No. You're name is Clarissa, therefore I shall call you Clarissa. Now, your social worker has called and they're trying you at an actual foster home, with parents. You leave in two days." he says.

"WHAT?!" Izzy asks, almost shouting. "TWO DAYS?!"

"Yes Clarissa," the careworker snarls. "Now you best get packing. Run along."

**2 Days Later**

"Bye Izzy," Everyone gives Izzy a hug and says goodbye. How she was going to cope without this lot she would not know. There were some special goodbyes though.

"I'll miss you Ty," Izzy say, hugging him, then ruffling his hair.

"Watch it," he says, but it's easy to see he's only joking. Izzy just about manages to keep back the tears, smiling weakly at him. She knows he's trying to make the situation better, but it makes it feel worse, as she knows she might not ever see his joking around again. Then it's to Rick. He and Izzy have been best friends since they were both at Burneywood. Going out to the movies, backing each other up in arguments, you name it, they did it. They were Best Friends. But now they were being split up.

"So.." Rick says.

"So," Izzy repeats, staring at the floor. Rick holds her head up so she's looking at him.

"I'll miss you so much," he says, tears forming in his eyes.

"I'll miss you too," she tries to say, but only manages a whisper. The two hug for a couple of minutes, but to them time is confused, and whether the hug lasted for a few seconds or a whole eternity, they don't know. All they can do, is try and keep the moment.

<><> End Of FlashBack <><>

"- Izzy!" Rick snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry," I say. "I was a bit out of it."

"I saw" he laughed.

"So what did you want?" I ask.

"I asked if you wanted to go play pool," Rick says.

"Yeah sure, I'll thrash you," I say, sticking my tongue out at him like a five-year-old. That's why I love hanging out with Rick and Tyler. I never have to act my age.


"So, what happened to Burneyhell?" I ask, when Tyler, Rick, Johnny, Tee and I are sat on the sofas, relaxing.

"Fire," Tyler says. "Went up in flames."

"Woah! How?!" I ask.

"Lizanne's straighteners or something," Rick shrugs.

"Jeez. So, who else came here with you? Surely it wasn't just you two," I say.

"It was them, Lizanne and Kitty," Tee says.

"How many people at this place fell for Lizzie?" I ask, jokingly. Everyones eyes avert away from mine, and look in Johnny's direction.

"Ouch. Sorry mate." I say to him. "She could be a cow sometimes. Just you or..?"

"Frank too," Tyler says.

"Yikes." I say. "So what happened with Kit?"

"They took her to a hospital or something," Johnny says. I look over at Rick, who's staring at his hands like they're the most interesting thing in the world. I put my hand on his, and squeeze his fingers for comfort. He always tried to look out for Kitty. But I guess it would've come to this sooner or later. Rick looks up at me, and smiles. I smile back, and realise how happy I am here, even if I will have a Rick-stalker-girl practically breathing down my neck, it'll be pretty great.

Rick. Tyler. Me.

Back together again.


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