Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Percy read the letter over three times, making sure he read it correctly. Finally he looked up and laughed.

"Oh, very funny, Harry. School for witchcraft and wizardry? I'll give you credit though, impressive work on the penmanship." Percy chuckled and tossed the paper onto the table.

Harry shook his head but his smile never wavered, "No, Percy! It's no joke! You're a wizard, just like me!"

Petunia covered her mouth with her hand and looked ready to faint. Vernon was still pale as a ghost and Dudley had used the distraction to scoop the contents of his mother and father's plates onto his own, still keeping his eyes on his food rather than looking up.

Percy looked around, waiting for punchline but from the genuine expressions of distress from his Aunt and Uncle, the meatloaf seemed to get twice as heavy in his stomach.

"Right," he mirthlessly laughed. "Okay Harry, joke's over."

Harry shook his head and reached into his pocket pulling out what appeared to be a slender looking stick, waving it in front of him like this explained everything.

"It's real, Percy! Look, Lumos!" The tip of the stick lite up like a lightbulb, brightening the room a great deal and making the meatloaf brick get heavier yet again.

Percy took a step back from his ecstatic cousin, "Listen, Harry..." He shook his head. "I don't know about this witchcraft or wizardry stuff but I'm telling you, that's not me. This is a mistake. I'm not like you, trust me."

Before Harry could reply, a hard knock at the door made Petunia shriek in horror.

"No!" She wailed. "No! No! No! No..."

Another hard knock at the door and Petunia fell back into her chair. Vernon moved to her side, holding her up like she was about to pass out.

"Okay..." Percy looked around, not sure why everyone was acting the way they were. He was a lot of things but one thing he wasn't was a gods damn witch or wizard or warlock or whatever the Hades Harry was trying to tell him.

Harry looked like he was too excited to do anything, still waving his glowing stick around like it explained everything.

Another hard knock and Percy jumped towards the door, anxious for a reason to get away from the distraught Dursleys and a way too peppy Harry.

He opened the door and stepped back in surprise at what was waiting on the other side.

"Oh Hades no," Percy shook his head. "Dude, I don't know who you are but not interested. Try the next house over."

Standing on the other side of the door was a tall elderly man. Percy didn't have to look past the robes to know this was not someone he wanted to talk to. He had long silver hair and a silver beard that was so long he could have tucked it into his belt. He wore half moon spectacles in front of bright blue eyes. His long crooked nose looked like it'd been reshaped with a fist a few times. He smiled kindly despite Percy's clear rejection of his arrival.

"Perseus Jackson," the elderly man smiled. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Professor Dumbledore!" Harry exclaimed from behind Percy. "Come in! Come in!"

The professor looked past Harry to the horrified looking Dursleys, "You'll have to excuse my, uh, unexpected visit," he said apologetically though Percy got the feeling he didn't feel bad at all. "But it appears unforeseen events have required my appearance."

Percy Jackson and The Hogwarts ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now