Chapter 1

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Beep beep.......beep beep the penguin alarm clock on my night stand rang. "Uuuhhhh." I complained smacking the alarm clock. I sat up and pushed the covers off and walked into the bathroom. The room had black walls and a white marble floor. I reached for my very generic toothbrush  that stood out in the large bathroom with marble sinks and a Jacuzzi bathtub. "Damn it!" I yelled dropping my toothbrush on the floor. "Well i'm gonna take that as a sign to get dressed." I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and white t-shirt with the Flash symbol on it. Walking back into the bathroom I threw a black and white flannel over my shirt. I started to brush out the knots in my long platinum blond hair. "Well this is pointless." I started to wing out my black eyeliner and put on red lipstick. "Ashley, Connor is here." My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Okay be down in a minute." I grabbed the white backpack covered by my drawings off the bed and ran down the stairs. "Took you long enough." Connor said taking a good look at my outfit. "Come on let's go now before we miss the bus and have to walk to school." I nodded walking out the door of my house with him.

"Morning Maggy." I said walking onto the bus and taking a seat. "How do always remember her name" Connor said looking at me puzzled. "She has been our bus driver since we were in kindergarten how do u not." I answered looking at him even more puzzled to mock him. "She has?" I looked at him blankly with my golden eyes, then  I smacked him in the head moving his brown hair out of shape. We laughed as we pulled up to the front of the school, the bus coming to a stop. "Okay now I know you being an idiot on purpose."

"Hey my hair doesn't deserve to suffer from your cruelty as well!"

We both got off walking into the school and over to our lockers. "So I have science first so meet me outside the cafeteria, Tanner too if he wants."

"Cool, so I'm guess I should tell Tanner he's probably getting smacked."

I nodded. "Oh definitely, oh gotta go before i'm late."

"Oh right okay bye."

I walked away over to the Old wooden door at read "Science 201 Ms. Clark" on it. The door creaked making everyone look as I walked in and sat in the back of the room. "Morning Ms. Bellegem you're just in time for class." Ms. Clark said continuing her lesson about biology. I ignored her taking out my Gwenpool comic and opening to Gwen talking to Doctor Strange. I looked up at the clock reading the time "2 minutes" I thought putting my comic back in my backpack then putting it on my shoulder. Then the bell rang, everyone got up and left as fast as they could except Molleana Greywood, she was the sister of Tanner and the smartest person besides me in our grade. "Hey Mollie." I said walking out of the room. "Oh hey Ashley." She said moving her Brown hair out of her face.

I walked down the hall and make my way over to Connor and Tanner. "Well what do we have here, Peter Parker and Curious George?" Connor laughed looking at the unpleased expression on Tanner's face. "Ah well played Hot Topic mannequin wanna be." I smacked him up side his the head moving his glasses a bit. "Okay well let's get lunch." I said walking over and grabbing a grilled cheese and sitting down at a table in the corner. "So tonight we are going to the new antique junk place near the graveyard."


"HELL definitely not." Connor said looking over at me. "OH COME ON PLEASE." Tanner begged. "UH fine I guess, but only because Connor wants to." Connor looked over at me smiling like a five year old in a candy store. "YAY!" Tanner said jumping up and falling on the floor. "Good job Tanner, good job." I said walking out of the cafeteria laughing.

I walked up to the shop and walked over to Tanner and Conner, who were waiting out front. "YAY NOW WE CAN GO IN!" I rolled my eyes walking in behind him. Tanner ran over to some odd looking silverware, Connor behind his. "Bad Tanner no touching."

"But they look cool." He whined at him, I walked over behind a bead curtain into a room with book. I made my way over to a book with a strange writing and symbols, picking it up.  "How much for the book?" I asked the old woman at the register. "Free, it's not from the store and I've never seen it before."

" okay thanks."I put it in my backpack walking over to Connor trying to take a wooden spoon from Tanner. "Uh guys I'm gonna go home, I've got some homework and stuff."

"Okay see you tomorrow morning?"

"Tomorrow morning." I walked out the door and down the street to my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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