Chapter - 2

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As soon as I entered, my eyes went wide and I am pretty sure my mouth was hanging open because OH MY GOD! the meeting room was not like any normal meeting room I imagined, like totally boring. It was amazing. The wall opposite the door we just entered, was all made of glass and it held an extraordinary, mesmerising view. I could just stand here all day and stare at the view outside.


I jerked out of my daydream when I heard someone clearing their throat loudly.

I looked around and blushed realizing that everyone's eyes were on me. I never enjoyed attention so I soon got uncomfortable. There were around 10-12 people sitting at the table on the left side of the room. Probably all interns.

When I noticed the direction of their eyes, I realized that they were not looking at me but behind me, and the throat clearing was also coming from that direction.

oh no! I have been standing at the entrance for far too long looking like an idiot. The person standing behind me must be waiting for me to move. You are such a dumbo Anaya.

I slowly turned around and met with the most beautiful pair of green eyes I have ever seen in my life. They were such a pretty shade of green. I couldn't take my eyes off of them. I forced my eyes to move and they slipped from his perfect eyes to his perfectly shaped nose, & then finally to his perfect lips. He was so handsome. He looked like a model. Such raw and chiseled features with a hint of stubble. One Taylor would call a Greek God. My eyes roamed over his features like they were entranced. And he was smirking too. But why was he smirking?

I blinked when I heard another throat clearing coming from my left. I suddenly felt embarassed that I was caught staring. I looked down at the thought. I jumped slightly when Marie lightly touched my elbow and directed me towards the seat, "Why don't you take your seat Miss Anaya".

I just nodded and started heading towards my seat avoiding to look at the handsome stranger. I have embarassed myself enough for the day. After settling down I risked another look at the stranger but he was busy talking to Ms. Marie. I continue looking at him but he didn't looked at me again.

But he was definitely smirking before. Other than that he wasn't least bit affected by the fact that a weird girl was openly gawking at him. May be it was a normal occurrence for him. People staring, mostly girls. He had that look on his face like he knew himself how good looking he was but not in a conceited way.

UGGHH.. Focus!! You are not here to waste time thinking about a total stranger. Its an important meeting so FOCUS.

With that I came back to reality. I looked at the head of the table where the stranger was standing.

'' Good Morning! I hope everyone is present here for the meeting so we can get started?" he asked turning to Ms. Marie.

"Oh yes sir, all the interns are here. We can get started right away."

"Wonderful! I am glad everyone is on time. So lets begin." He said rubbing his hands together. He sat in his chair and leaned back. He started by introducing himself.

"I am Chris Henderson, Manager of this hotel. Welcome to Hyatt Hotel. I know you people are really hardworking otherwise you wouldn't be here but your actual potential will be tested here so be prepared. Although don't forget to enjoy this experience. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity afterall and don't be afraid to ask for any assistance. I am here." He finished with a cute smile.

At the end of his speech, everyone present at the meeting were looking at him with awe and respect.

Wow! He is so cool and friendly. He is unlike any other bosses I have heard about or experienced. And by judging the expressions of all interns, everybody has the same impression as me.

He started giving instructions on how things work here and in which departments we all are going to work for the next two months and then we will switch so that all of us knows where our actual potential lies.

"Marie here will hand out the letter addressed to you regarding your positions for the next 2 months. Please look it up and take your position at the end of this afternoon. Marie will explain everything you need to know. Now please excuse me. I will see you all later." He excused himself with a smile and went out of the room.

I noticed that all the girls present at the table were following him with their eyes and practically gushing over how hot he was.

The girl sitting next to me suddenly turned to look at me with a wide smile," Hi! I am Sophia." She introduced herself. I could tell that she was very excited to be here by her expression. Her eyes were so wide & filled with light and her smile was really contagious.

I realized that I was almost matching her expression. "Hi, I am Anaya."

"I am so excited that I am finally here. This was my dream company. I always wanted to work here."

"Yeah! It's pretty exciting. It still amazes me that I got selected."

"I hope that I get to work directly under Mr. Green Eyes. He is sooo Dreamyyy." She replied while fanning her face and winking at me.

I rolled my eyes while laughing. She is exactly like my best friend Taylor. She would say something like that if she met him. I had a feeling that Sophia and I are going to be good friends. She has this easygoing and very approachable vibe about her.

Although I laughed at her silly expressions but honestly I was also wondering about what position I will get.

Will I get to work closely with Mr. Henderson.


What? Where did that came from? You really need caffeine in your system Anaya. Your mind is going hazy.

I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts. I should concentrate on work. And what's wrong with me? I just met the guy. And not to forget that 'Guy' is my boss. I was never easily attracted to people of opposite sex. I thought I was built that way. Guess I was wrong. I sighed. Taylor would just love to hear about this. She would be thrilled to know that I actually gawked at a man if I ever managed to convince her that it actually happened. It would be quite unbelievable for her.

I looked towards my right to notice that Ms. Marie was handing down a piece of paper to everyone.

It must be about the work position.

When she reached Sophia, she was (barely) trying to contain her excitement. She was literally bouncing on her chair. Ms. Marie handed her the letter then she walked to me and handed me the letter as well. I nervously took the letter form her. She must have sensed my nervousness because she patted my shoulder with a smile before moving on.

I was still looking at my unopened letter when Sophia groaned at my right," Gosh, I got the marketing department. I was never really good at marketing. But I guess that's the whole point right. We are here to learn. What did you get?" She asked me.

I opened my letter and got the most unexpected surprise of my life. My eyes widened after reading the words on my letter. I rechecked my name at the front to confirm that it was really mine.

Sophia must have noticed my expression because she took the letter from me and looked at it herself. She silently exclaimed," Holy shit!" then she looked at me excitedly with a teasing look in her eyes," You missy are going to personally assist Mr. Green eyes. How cool is that? You lucky witch."

OK so this confirmed it. My eyes were not tricking me. This is really happening.

I was so not ready for this.



So here's another chapter. I hope you guys liked it. If you do, then please don't forget to vote and comment so I can know that you people are liking the story. please share your views with me. I would love to hear from you all.

Till next chapter, take care!! LOVE LOVE ;*:*

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