Chapter 6- Cade The Narcissist

Start from the beginning

I arrive at our room and I saw Abby exiting. "Hey!" She yells and I started to wonder why because I was standing right there. Maybe she was yelling on the phone...

"Girl I don't know how you'll manage with all that vomiting in there. Its so gross, I don't think I can be around that." She says throwing her blonde hair over her shoulders then putting her hands on her hips and flashing me a smile.

I was awkwardly staring at her and wondering what the heck was wrong with her.

"Uhm-" she cuts me off before I can say anything. "Well I have to go so see you around." She says and then she pulls me into a hug, she then storms off and I feel confused.

I enter the room and a shirtless Cade is sitting on his bed with messy hair. I see he's feeling a bit better but he looks pale.

"How do you feel?" I asked as I close the door. He just sits there lookikg at me.

"Well?" I said walking over towards him. His hazel eyes are glossy and he looks real sick, he looked pale even, he's actually shaking. I was wondering why he wasn't wrapping up by now.

"To be brutally honest, I feel like shit." He says and then he holds his head. "I got you some coconut water and fruits. You've lost a lot of fluids so this will help. Eat these and then take these." I said holding out the bags.

He takes them and proceeded to look through them. I hold my hand out to touch his forehead and he pulls away.

"Relax I'm just checking if you have a fever." I said and he sits still opening the container with the fruits.

I place the back of my hand on his head and it felt like I just touched a warm pot. For a pot that's okay but for a human it can't be.

"Cade you're burning up!" I said in a panicked voice. "Duh, that's why I'm stripping down so my body can cool down. Didn't you know that a high tempered body kills enzymes even though I've been killing them because I have a hot bod." He says then winks.

This guy is smart, that was absolutely right, he seems to know science so why have I not seen him in any of the sessions?

"We need to get you to the campus clinic, just to be safe." I said and he continues to devour the fruits.

"We?" He asked putting the empty container down and opening the water.

"Are you strong enough to go there by yourself? You'll probably need someone there to remember everything they tell you to do in order to feel better." I stated and he looks at me as he gulps down the water.

His adam's apple is just moving after every gulp. Am I the only one that likes to see a guys adam's apple? Naaah, can't be.

"What makes you think I can't remember? My brain is perfectly fine." He says after he finishes the water.

"Suit yourself." I said as I made my way into the bathroom. If he didn't want my help fine, I wasn't going to force him.

I was almost finish undressing when I heard him on his phone. "Why can't you come with me? Its not even the hospital Abby its a clinic."

Oh so he doesn't want to go alone he just doesn't want to go with me. What the hell was wrong with me?

I look at myself in the mirror and Dereks fingers are printed out on my neck. They were light though, thank God.

After I was finished with my shower I got dressed then blow dried my towel dry hair, I decided to leave it straight, I put some makeup on my neck just so it covers up the marks. I added some lipgloss and then I turned to leave the bathroom.

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