Chapter 1

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**Katie's POV**

I got off the bus and started to walk home. It was a typical Monday, and as usual, school had worn me out. I walked home alone because nobody lived in my part of the neighborhood. I didn't have many friends anyway. Sure, I had one or two "close friends" at school, but for the most part, I like to be alone.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Taylor. Taylor Caniff. Yes, I'm friends with him. His mom and my mom were old college buddies, and even though we had only seen each other a few times in person, we kept in touch over text. We texted all the time. I hadn't seen him in a while because he's been on tour with Magcon.

"From Taylor: hey Katie! Some friends of mine from Magcon and I are renting out a ski resort for a week and half! We'd love it if you came to hang with us. Haven't seen you in forever! :)"

I smiled. He was right, it has been forever. I missed hanging out with him. By this time I had gotten home, so I let myself in through the garage and called my mom to ask if it was okay. She said sure. I think she just wanted a chance for me to get out and do something. I wasn't exactly the social, popular teenager she had been. I texted Taylor back.

"To Taylor: sounds like fun! Mom said yes. When are we leaving, and who's gonna be there?"

"From Taylor: leaving Friday, once winter break starts. Cam, Matt, both Jacks, Aaron, Shawn, Carter and um...other people...will be there."

"To Taylor: what do you mean by other people?"

"From Taylor: uh...the Grier's..."

I sighed and turned off my phone. "The Grier's" implied that it would be both Nash and Hayes. They used to live next door to me. They moved when I was 9. Hayes was my age, but I was 7 months older. We were pretty much the best of friends up until they moved. Before they left, I remember crying and him telling me we would always be friends no matter what. Then when he left, he didn't call me, or write, or even text me the following years. It hurt really bad. I lost my best friend. Then he and Nash became famous, and I just figured if should let it go. Still, the thought of seeing Hayes again made me upset. I'll just ignore him, I thought. I'll hang out with Taylor on the trip and try to ignore him.

Then I thought about the actual skiing part of the trip. I never liked skiing, but I sure did love to snowboard. But I promised myself I would never board, ever again. I used to be a competive snowboarder until last year. I attempted a triple turn at competition, and I landed wrong. I knocked all the air out of my lungs and broke my arm. I was in the hospital for a week, and had a cast on my arm for a few months. After that, I promised myself I wouldn't get back on the slopes for a long, long time.

I wiped the thought from my head. This was going to be a long week.

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