Chapter 17: Never Ever

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Here's the next chapter! There's only a few more left. :( I hope you enjoy this one


On Monday, Louis missed school. Harry hadn't seen him since Sunday afternoon when he left his house. Niall noticed Louis' absence, but he didn't comment on it. Harry just avoided eye contact and made sure that he wouldn't be alone with Niall again. He didn't trust himself after what happened the last time.

When Louis missed school on Tuesday, Harry got worried. He initially thought that Louis was upset with him about his attempts at getting the police involved. Then he remembered that he told Louis about what happened with Niall. He assumed that Louis didn't want to talk to him because of that, and he didn't blame him.

By Wednesday Harry was worried. Louis ignored all of Harry's calls. He knew that Louis, or someone, was reading his texts because of the read receipts he received after each message was opened.

On Thursday, Niall approached Harry and asked him about Louis. Harry was going to ignore Niall. He was going to pretend that Louis was fine. But he didn't know that. In fact, the only things that Harry did know caused him to be worried.

"What's going on with Louis?" Niall asked casually, at lunch of all places. Harry had taken to sitting alone, and Niall decided to join him.

"Nothing," Harry shrugged. He didn't know, and it was none of Niall's business. Niall had a way of making things worse when he wanted to help. Unfortunately he also had a way of making a person want his help.

"Harry, babe-" he sighed, probably starting a sentence about how Harry should just tell him because he'll find out eventually and blablabla.

"Don't, Niall. Don't call me babe. Don't ask me about my boyfriend. And don't follow me." Harry frowned as he got up and left.

He made it all the way to the back of the library. It was no different than the rest of the library, but it was closed off on three sides. There were three shelves that formed a small area. It was a cozy space; it was large enough for a small table, but too small for and chairs. Harry selected a random book, "Lies My Teacher Told Me" and sat on the table. Normally he wouldn't do that, but the table begged to be sat on. It was chairless, and therefore sittable. Those aren't real words, but they fit that useless table.

As Harry pondered the meaning behind the useless table, Niall figured out where his lunch date had run off to. No, Niall didn't consider to be a date. Harry was obviously in love with Louis, and he understood that. He also understood that Harry was hiding something. Something that was making him worry.

Harry probably hadn't noticed this, but Niall found him very easy to read. When Harry was happy, Niall knew. He didn't have to smile. He didn't have to laugh. Niall just knew. Harry's eyes where bright when he was happy. When he was sad, they were less bright. His eyes were never truly dim. An untrained eye couldn't tell the difference, but Niall had a lot of practice.

He walked into the library, and walked to where he knew Harry would be.

"It's there for you to sit down your books while you search for more." Niall smiled.

Harry jumped at the sound of Niall's voice. He and Niall had argued over that table's purpose for their whole high school career. Harry thought that Niall was under-thinking the problem, and Niall thought that Harry was over-thinking it. It was their senior year and Harry was still thinking about it.

"What?" Harry asked.

"The table is there for books Harry. Stop thinking about it." Niall laughed.

"But you could just hold your books! This table is pointless." Harry insisted.

"Not everyone has ridiculously large hands, Harry. They need two hands to hold two books, but you can check out four. So they have to sit them down." Niall sighed. He'd had this conversation with Harry more times than he could count.

"My hands aren't that big." Harry whined, holding up his hands for emphasis.

"Whose point are you trying to prove?" Niall laughed.

Suddenly Harry looked serious, "I told you not to follow me."

"Is Louis ok?" Niall replied as if Harry hadn't just reminded him that he wanted him to go away.

"I- I don't know, Niall. Ok? That's the truth. I have no freaking clue where he is or if he's even safe. He could be-" Harry stopped talking and took a shaky breath. He was determined to not cry.

"Harry, what do you mean you don't know where he is? Did you check his house?" Niall asked as he put a comforting hand on Harry's arm.

"I'm such an idiot," Harry groaned, "of course I should go to his house."

"1. You're not an idiot. 2. I'll drive you there." Niall smiled.


When they arrived at Louis' house, Harry became nervous. He'd brought the boy he cheated on his boyfriend with to his boyfriend's house. He knew that by this point it was unlikely, but Louis might have been avoiding him because he was mad about Niall. Even if Louis had other reasons for not coming to school, he would probably still be upset about what happened with Niall.

"You should stay in the car." Harry announced.

"What? Why?" Niall asked. Harry didn't tell him that he'd told Louis what happened in the bathroom. He figured that Niall wouldn't understand why Harry told Louis. Niall's views on what did and did not count as cheating were weird. That's why his relationships didn't last very long.

"I told him about what happened in the bathroom. He was really upset with me." Harry mumbled.

"What?" Niall shouted, "Why the hell would you do that? It was just a blow job. It's not like we had sex, Harry."

"Niall. I had to tell him. There are no 'justs' in cheating. It was a blow job, and it wasn't ok. I had to tell him." Harry sighed.

"What the hell do you mean it wasn't ok? Did you not want it?" Niall frowned. Anyone who didn't know him might have missed it, but Harry could see the fear in Niall's eyes.

"Yes, I wanted it. I wanted more." Harry mumbled the last part.

Niall blushed, having heard all of what Harry said.

"But I was, hopefully I still am, with Louis. So I'm sorry for doing that with you, Niall." Harry mumbled.

"It's alright, Harry. I'm sorry for messing with your relationship" Niall smiled a sad smile and then motioned for Harry to get out of the car.

Harry went up to the door and knocked. At first there was no answer, but after the third knock Louis' aunt answered the door.

"Oh, Harry. How are you?" she smiled.

"I'm fine, thank you. Is Louis here? He's missed a few days of school and I was just a bit worried." Harry said. He attempted to smile, but he couldn't force one that looked realistic.

Louis' aunt stopped smiling, "Darling I'm afraid that Louis has moved away. I thought he told you. He needed to move because Brian found him. I'm sorry."

Harry felt himself starting to cry. He nodded at Louis' aunt. She gave him a sad smile and said goodbye. Harry just nodded and turned around.

When he got in the car, he was too busy crying to notice that Niall had already shed some tears of his own.

"He's gone, Niall." Harry cried.

"What do you mean?" Niall asked quietly, fearing the worst.

"He moved to get away from Brian. He didn't tell anyone where he went. He doesn't want to be found." Harry sobbed.

"Oh, Harry." Niall sighed, pulling his friend into a much needed hug.

Harry and Niall never made it back to school, and they both skipped on Friday because they could. If anyone asked, they'd pretend that their senioritis was kicking in. Neither of them were willing to talk about the fact that Louis was gone and that they would most likely never see him again.

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