Chapter 15: Staying Alive

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So here's the next chapter! I hope you all enjoy it. I'd love to hear how you feel about the story.


"Hello, Sweety." he smiled.

You could hear the smile in his voice. He sounded proud, like he'd just accomplished something amazing. It fit him well, because he had.

Brian had spent over six months looking for Louis Tomlinson, and now he had him. There were more than enough places for Louis to run, but Brian knew that he wouldn't.

"Where have you been?" Brian asked, still smiling.

"Brian, please, just go away ok." Louis pleaded. He avoided eye contact for as long as he could.

"I said, where have you been?" Brian repeated, the smile long gone, as he grabbed Louis' chin, forcing him to make eye contact.

Louis let his fear get the best of him and started crying.

"No, baby, don't cry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, Lou Bear. Come here." Brian whispered as he pulled Louis into a hug.

"But you did, Brian. You did hurt me." Louis cried.

"Were you having sex?" Brian shouted suddenly.

The question threw Louis off a bit. Technically he was almost having sex, but he knew Brian was angry. He also knew that an angry Brian meant that he was in danger.

"No. We were just- no." Louis stammered.

Brian tightened his grip on Louis's arm, "Don't you dare lie to me."

Louis shook his head quickly, "I'm not. We didn't have sex. We didn't, Brian."

Brian moved Louis's head so he could better examine his neck.

Louis squirmed under his touch. One glance from Brian told him to be still, and he listened.

"Did you let him touch you? How far did this go?" Brian frowned at a particularly dark mark on Louis's chest.

"Brian I don't wanna talk about it-" Louis groaned, trying to forget the boy inside who broke his heart while ignoring the one who broke his bones.

"Louis," Brian hissed, "just tell me what he did. That's all I ask. Please don't upset me."

Louis knew what Brian meant. He'd heard that exact sentence so many times before. Sometimes he listened, but mostly he ended up making Brian upset anyway.

"We just kissed." Louis sniffled.

"Why are you crying? Did he hurt you?" Brian screamed, tightening his grip again.

"You are. You're hurting me right now, Brian." Louis cried.

Brian just looked at him. He was shocked by what Louis was saying, what he was accusing him of. In Brian's mind, Louis cheated on him, and then he lied to him about it.

In Brian's mind, punching Louis in the face was the only acceptable response to Louis's actions. So he punched him. And when Louis hit the ground, he kicked him. He took pride in the noises that came from Louis. In his mind, every action has a consequence. In all the time that they had been together Louis hadn't learned that lesson. It hurt Brian to do these things, but Louis earned it.

And just as soon as Brian had appeared, he disappeared.


Harry found Louis the next morning. He was taking out last night's trash. He wasn't able to take it out earlier because first he was trying to have a romantic evening with his boyfriend, and then he was sobbing for hours.

"Louis? Oh God," Harry gasped.

He looked at Louis's still body, unsure of what to do.

"Louis!" he screamed, hoping that he would just wake up.

He ran to where Louis was in the driveway.

"Louis, please" he sobbed as he shook Louis's shoulder.

Louis groaned in pain and rolled away from Harry.

"Thank God. Louis, are you-" Harry stopped himself from asking if he was okay because he clearly was not.

"Harry?" Louis cried suddenly, "help me Harry"

"I'm right here, Lou. Who did this?" Harry frowned, shaking with anger.

"Harry, please" Louis mumbled, "he's gonna come back again, Harry. Help me."

Harry decided to save the questions for when they got indoors. Louis was physically present, but his mind was elsewhere.

He picked Louis up and carried him inside. He made sure to take Louis up to his room. If his parents came home, he didn't want them seeing Louis.

Louis was still mumbling. The majority of what he said was impossible to understand. His sentences went unfinished and were randomly interrupted by screams and broken sobs. His words were slurred because of his swollen lips. His tears fell from swollen eyes. He looked like something out of a domestic abuse ad, something Harry only experienced secondhand. But for Harry, this was all too real. This was Louis, his Louis, and he was hurt. Seeing his beautiful boy in this broken state broke Harry's heart. He knew that no matter how many times he asked, or begged, Louis would never want to turn his ex in. Harry hoped that someone other than Louis's ex had done this. He hoped that maybe whoever this was meant nothing to Louis and that he'd be willing to go to the police.

"We have to call the police. Louis why'd you stay outside all night? Why didn't you come- why didn't I realize you never drove off?" Harry began to ramble as he pulled out his phone.

Louis grabbed his hand and shook his head for no, "We can't call. That's the rules. No call, no one gets hurt. We have to follow his rules or bad stuff happens."

That's when Harry realized what must have happened. His worst nightmare was coming true right before his eyes. Louis's ex was back.

"Did he do this? Why did he do this to you?" Harry cried.

"Brian told me that I was his. I'm not supposed to date other people. I didn't follow the rules." Louis mumbled, his eyes were blank.

"No, Louis. There is no 'other people'. You're not dating him." Harry sighed, shaking his head.

"He wanted to know if we'd had sex. I told him no, he didn't believe me." Louis said calmly, as if he was telling a story about two fictional characters rather than himself.

"We didn't. Why did he- Louis we have to-" Harry started.

"He didn't believe me because you covered me in marks from the waist up." Louis snapped. Suddenly his emotions came back, and he was angry.

"I left marks on you?" Harry shouted, "Louis, look at yourself! You're covered in bruises and cuts all over! What the hell happened to you?"

"He didn't hit me that many times. And it was my fault. I caused this. Just please, Harry, calm down." Louis sighed.

"CALM DOWN?" Harry shouted, "The man I love has been beaten because some jackass thought we had sex and you want me to calm down?"

Louis moved as far away as he could from Harry. When Harry noticed the fear in Louis's eyes, he stopped screaming.

"We don't have to go to the police. I'm sorry for yelling. Just please, don't go back outside. Ok, Lou?" Harry soothed.

He had every intention of getting Louis to go to the police. He realized that Louis was still a bit shaken up from the attack. He gave Louis two ibuprofen for the pain and helped him get to sleep. While Louis was asleep, Harry realized that he finally had a name for the mystery man that terrorized his boyfriend: Brian.


(a/n): So I'm thinking Brian needs a face. Let's say he looks like Sam Pepper. Sam Pepper looks like he could kick some ass right? Tell me what you think

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