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Alicia pov

I was now alone in the house crying . My bestfriend Re called me, I didn't want to her to hear me crying so I had to get my self together. "Hello?" I said through the phone. " uh uh what's wrong?" One thing about Re she always knows whats wrong. "Nothing I'm fine." I tried to convince. "Licia u think I'm stupid? I know something wrong." She said. "It's okay I'm good." I told her. "It's Jason isn't it?" "Yea." I said in a lowered voice. "I'm coming over right now and pack some clothes I'm coming to get you." She said "no I do-". She hanged up the phone before I could finish my sentence. I had no choice.

I got up and packed some clothes in a suit case. I just hope she gets here before Jason does.

I finished packing my clothes and I heard a honk outside. I looked out the window and saw Re telling me to hurry up. I quickly ran down the stairs. I felt like a teenager sneaking out to go to a party. Except for this was a different situation where I was running from my horrible ungrateful boyfriend.

I ran outside and put my bag in the backseat. She quickly drive off.

We made a stop at the gas station. I stayed in the car. Which I now regret because I saw Jason car pull up three parking spots down from me. I quickly ducked down in my seat so he would t notice. I saw him went in the store.

Re came out in rush to get to the car. " I just saw Jason." She said. "Me too lets go." She pulled out the parking spot and we left the gas station.

We pulled up to her house. " alright we're heard let's go inside." We walked up to the door and she unlocked it. I went up into the guest room and rest my bag down. Ughhhh I'm tired I need sleep. " Re I'm goin take a shower alright." I yelled to her. " alright I'm gonna go out I be back in a few call me if I need anything." Alright bye be safe, love you." I said. "Love you too." She said back.

After I took my shower I watched tv then got bored of it. So I went on Instagram instead I was scrolling through he explore page and saw this handsome chocolate man. He had braids in his hair and had in gold slugs. He was really cute I decided to follow him.

I started to get tired and I laid in the bed and started to think. How did I get my self in think situation? How can someone make a person feel like shit? Why would Jason hurt me out of the blue? If he doesn't love me then is he still holding on to me? I let all these thought run through my mind till I fell asleep.
Re in the mm. Ima update more if you guys vote and comment.

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