Chapter 5 : Its just business

Start from the beginning

"I am not mean." She said with a small smile on her face. That's all she's been hearing since she moved out here. In New York, they paid her no mind. And just blamed her attitude on being parent less.

"So why did you turn down my movie theater date?" Isaiah asked as he wiped his forehead with his towel.

"Um because you were moving too fast and I didn't like that. Why don't we give it like a week or two?" She asked cuddling up against her pillow.

"Why?" Isaiah asked making Valentine's heart flutter. That's why. She didn't want to fall or seem to easy.

"Cause what if you're a serial killer? Or a rapist?" Valentine frowned making Isaiah suck his teeth and flare his nose.

"And what's a week or two going to stop me from killing or raping you?" He frowned making Valentine laugh at him.

"No. But I'll know more things about you. Like where you stay, your social medias and things like that. And I could give it to my friends if anything." Valentine shrugged making Isaiah chuckle and shake his head.

"Who? Lala and Dior?" Isaiah snickered making Valentine suck her teeth before laughing.

"Now you know those bitches aren't my friends now I should hang up on you." Valentine joked, but she was starting to grow tired.

"See? You're Mean." Isaiah said making Valentine smile and shake her head.

"No, you tried being funny and I needed to correct you. But how was your day?" Valentine asked before yawning. So she stood up and turned the lights out. There was still light outside, but any minute now it would be dark.

"It was aight. Actually its still going on, after this I'm heading out with my moms. How was your day?" Isaiah asked while scratching his sweaty curls.

"Could've been better. I'm just looking forward to tomorrow." Valentine shrugged making Isaiah nod his head.

"And what's happening tomorrow? You coming to see me?" He smirked making Valentine suck her teeth.

"You wish." She said making him laugh at her some more.

"No seriously what's going on tomorrow bae?" He asked and Valentine just ended up dozing off on him. Instead of taking extra strength, Valentine had grabbed Tylenol pm. So now she was out like a light.

Waking up from her phone constantly ringing, Valentine just swiped over answer on her phone and placed it onto her ear. "Yes?" She grumbled.

"Come open the door big head." Marcus said waking Valentine up completely.

"I'm coming." She hummed before ending the call and getting out of her bed. Flicking on all of the lights as she made her way downstairs, Valentine frowned at how sudden she fell asleep. Opening the door up, Valentine gave a small smile. "Hey." Marcus slid his phone into his pocket before pulling her into a hug. "What's up Val?" He smiled. Stepping aside to let him in, Valentine closed the door behind Marcus. "Nothing. Where you coming from?" She asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Practice. Coach found out niggas was drinking so he had our asses doing extra shit. Where did you slide off to today?" He asked as they found themselves on the couch semi cuddling. Though no one said it, by the way their bodies latched onto each other. They had missed each other just that fast. "I met up with Chachi." Was all Valentine said making Marcus nod his head. "I'm guessing that went well, you're not in jail and you don't have any bruises on those pretty little hands of yours." Marcus said grabbing Valentine and hand as if he was examining them. Valentine laughed before snatching her hand away. "Yeah it wasn't bad, but them bitches still can't stand me." Valentine shrugged making Marcus shake his head. "And what did Chachi say about the whole holding back situation?" Marcus asked making Valentine playfully roll her eyes. "She was shocked that I wanted to fight her, but then she switched the subject saying how much her and her friends need me." She shrugged making Marcus laugh and shake his head. "Your ass about to be knocking these girls out for those boujie ass girls." Marcus snickered making Valentine shake her head 'no'. "I only fight for myself like I've always been doing." She shrugged making Marcus chuckle and shake his head. "Your little ass shouldn't be fighting at all. Why can't you just flip your hair like all the pretty girls do?" Marcus asked making Valentine laugh and shrug her shoulders. But she knew exactly why. "Cause nine times out of ten, those pretty girls be scared shitless." Valentine said making Marcus chuckle. "You're like the roughest pretty girl I've ever met." He said calling her pretty for like the third time already. But of course Valentine wasn't thinking of it like that. "Lala is pretty tough and so is Sydney. She was planning to fight my imaginary boyfriend." Valentine said ending with a laugh. It was so cute to her how Sydney was willing to fight a whole guy for her when they barely knew each other names. Now that was loyalty. "Who? Jaxon? You know that nigga still be checking for you right?" Marcus said making Valentine suck her teeth and roll her eyes. "Whatever his big headed ass was the one who yelled world star." She scoffed making Marcus laugh and look her way. "You lying?" And she shook her head 'no'. Yes there was plenty of guys there, but Jaxon's voice was very unique. Like it was deep and high pitched at once. So as soon as he screamed, Valentine knew right off back that it was him. And that's why she flipped him off as well, but he thought that was for someone else. "That's crazy. Do you know I never even made it my business to talk to Chachi again?" Marcus said as he slid his hand over his head. "Awe I ruined your shit? I'll put ya back on." Valentine shrugged making Marcus smile and pulled her into a hug being extra goofy. He needed parts of Chachi though. She is and will always be something hot to him.

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