Chapter 45

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Final chapter warning: This is the last chapter of this book. Enjoy :)

The room went mostly quiet, hushed whispers were heard. The three spirits stood there in all their creepiness and darkness.

One of them looked around.

"Well," it said.

It's voice was very shrill yet feminine so it was probably a female spirit. So let's call it her.

"How touching."

The spirit looked at the group of friends. Her eyes glowed an amber yellow color. It made Korra freeze in place.

Korra felt a hand on her shoulder, making her jump. She quickly turned her head and saw her father standing by her side. She visibly relaxed.

"Let me handle this," he said quietly.

Korra nodded. Tonraq walked a few feet in front of them.

"Hello", he greeted the spirits warily. "Can I help you?"

"We were just stopping by," the woman said. "We heard there was a coronation of the new queen today and we just had to come congratulate her."

Korra and Asami looked at each other with a raised eyebrow. Yeah right.

"That'd be me", Korra announced, walking up beside her father, Asami and her friends right beside her.

Asami had her trusty sword drawn. Korra looked at it. She hasn't known Asami still used a sword. But now was not the time to get nostalgic.

Korra shook her head, focusing back on the issue at hand. She looked at the three spirits.

"Who are you?," King Tonraq questioned.

"That doesn't concern you, your majesty," another of the three spirits, another woman, said, her voice icy and sharp.

The leader of the trio looked around at the people.

"How delicious," she said.

"What are you talking about??," Korra asked, walking closer to the dark spirits.

The woman spirit then commanded, "Gather up the children!."

The spirits went on a hunting frenzy. They began to fly around the room. Using their magic to snatch up children. Cries of panic from parents and the kids were heard around the crowd.

Korra had no idea how to stop it. She had no magic so she was useless in this situation.

The three spirits gathered up the children, using their magic to hold back the crowd. The leader looked at the children. The kids were in a large group cowering in fear. Some were crying for their mothers, siblings hugged each other, older siblings were attempting to protect their little brothers or sisters.

"Bring me the first child," the spirit said. "I want to taste their little souls."

Now that was a sentence Korra never thought she'd hear. It gave her the chills.

The other two spirits grabbed a little girl and brought her to their leader.

Korra gasped. Mai.

Mai was kicking and struggling, trying to get away.

"Let me go!!. Let me go!".

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