Chapter 41

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The next week was extremely busy in Encanta. Decorations were put up, the guest list was made and invitations were sent out immediately. Korra even requested that villagers could come and see the wedding. Asami gave the approval and sent out a written announcement about the invitation to the royal wedding with rules and regulations put into action if they were to attend.

Korra and Asami were yanked around and on their feet for hours each day. All the while, Asami was helping Korra get her normal weight back. Her years as a servant meant food deprivation. She was way too skinny to a point where Asami could clearly see her ribs starting to poke out and could count them all. It worried her so the physician said that she'd need to fatten up a little and gain at least ten pounds. When Korra was weighed, she was 98 pounds which was extremely underweight for someone of her height. At times Korra would get dizzy and nearly pass out in exhaustion. Asami worried and so did their parents.

So Asami made sure she ate three meals a day, slowly starting off with small portions and increasing the amount as the weeks went by. Korra didn't mind and let Asami do what she thought was best for Korra.

Asami even made trips to the village bakery a few times to get some garlic bread. Korra was so happy to eat the amazingly tasty bread once again although she could hardly stomach the food at first.

After about three to four weeks Korra had gained all the lost weight and was once again the healthy, happy, energetic, bouncing woman everyone loved. She was nearly bouncing off the walls with energy every day. Asami had a hard time keeping up with her as Korra ran down the halls with Naga. But she enjoyed every second of it.

Finally the day of the wedding arrived. Security was heavy that day, guards stationed everywhere. In the castle and every entrance or hallway.

Hiroshi and his wife wanted the wedding to go off without a hitch. Everyone was rushing to get things ready and put up last minute touches and such. The sun was out that day, the perfect amount of clouds to give shade. It was perfect.

Asami looked at herself in the full body mirror. Her seamstresses were helping her get ready. Asami could feel the butterflies in her stomach. She was beyond nervous.

"Spirits. You look beautiful".

Asami looked over her left shoulder and saw her mom walking up to her, a huge smile on her face. She giggled and looked down at the white and red wedding dress. Her mother stopped and observed as the final touches of Asami's makeup and jewelry were out on. The crown with the veil were put on her head.

"Have you seen Korra yet??", Asami asked, keeping her head still.

"Yes, I have", Her mother said. "And she looking unbelievably gorgeous".

Asami and Korra, as tradition, were not allowed to see each other at all that day until the ceremony. So Asami had no idea what Korra would look like until Korra walked down the aisle of the wedding ceremony room. She could only imagine what Korra looked like and she bet she looked stunning, just as her mom said.

"I'll take your word for it", Asami said. "I just hope she thinks I look just as great as she will".

"Asami", her mother said in a 'cmon girl. Are you kidding' tone. "Korra always tells me and her parents how beautiful and stunning you look 24/7. She said you always look like a goddess and she's jealous of how you always seem to look perfect, no matter what time of the day or the circumstances".

She former queen rolled eyes, a smile on her face.

"She will not shut up about you and talks about you all the time to anyone who will listen. That girl can talk all day if you let her. She's a big ball of energy sometimes".

The Princess and The Servant حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن