Chapter 42

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Asami woke to a cold feeling. Her eyes opened. Blinking, she tiredly rubbed her eyes. She immediately noticed the absence of a certain blue eyed princess. Asami felt a draft. She looked over to the doors that led to her balcony. They were slightly opened.

Korra must be out there.

Asami climbed out of bed. She slipped on her slippers. She walked across the room, glad that the moonlight lit the room so she could see where she was going. The young queen made her way to the double doors. Asami opened them a little and peeked out. Sure enough, there Korra was, sitting on the balustrade of the balcony. Her back was facing the castle as she looked up at the sky.

"Hey", Asami called, stepping out into the cool night air.

Korra sat up in alert and looked over her right shoulder at Asami. She relaxed when she saw Asami standing there. A grin spread across her face.


Asami walked towards her. Korra had turned around to face her. Asami walked up to her. She wrapped her arms around Korra's waist.

"What are you doing up??", she asked. "You should be sleeping like the rest of the kingdom".

Korra shrugged. "I couldn't sleep. Too much on my mind, I guess".

Asami was immediately worried. When Korra was thinking alone, nothing good came from that.

"You wanna talk about it??".

Korra shrugged, looking down. Asami wasn't taking that for an answer.

"Alright then", she said. "Tell me what's wrong".

Korra still didn't look at her or say anything. She shrugged once more.

Asami took her hands and gently squeezed.

"Is everything alright??", she asked. "You know you can tell me".

Korra nodded. "I know", she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's just............".

Asami leaned in close just so she could hear her wife.

"Just what??", she urged gently.

"I just had a nightmare", Korra finally confessed.

Korra looked up at Asami. Her gaze went off into space somewhere, a thoughtful look on her face. Asami leaned in and kissed her cheek, bringing Korra back into reality.

"Do you wanna tell me about?? Maybe then I'll know how to make you feel better".

Asami knew it was a feeble attempt to get Korra to open up. But she had to try.

Korra sighed quietly, her head bowed. She mumbled something, but Asami couldn't hear her.

"What was that??", she asked. "Can you say it a little louder??".

Korra lifted her head. "I said my life fell apart".

"What happened??".

Korra played with Asami's hands.

"My parents were dead, I wasn't a princess anymore, our friends ignored me, my people were angry and tried to kill me and you let them because......".

Asami saw tears rise up in Korra's eyes. Korra bit her lip. She looked away and rapidly blinked, making them fall.

"You hated me and you said you never loved me. You were only using me to get control over my kingdom".

Asami felt her heart break. She kissed away her tears. She embraced Korra, engulfing her in a hug. Korra slipped off the balustrade and on her feet. Her head was resting on Asami's chest. Asami shook her head slowly.

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