After I was done, I ran downstairs to find Jason waiting for me.

"Come on. I'll take you on my bike. Unless, you want to drive your bike?" He asks.

"I... have a bike?" I say, feeling the excitement growing in me.

"Yea, follow me." He says, and starts walking. We walk to the garage and I see a whole bunch of motorcycles. "You and Dick loved to work on bikes. All the ones on the left side are yours."

I picked a blue bike with black accents on it. I put my helmet on and turn the communicator on. That way we can all talk even though we are in different vehicles.

"OK follow me." I hear Jason say as he pulls out of the garage. I start my bike and race after him. Somehow, we end up racing eachother all throughout Gotham. When we finally make it to town, I notice that the others are all waiting on us.

I looked around, then hung my head with shyness. Jason noticed and started explaining why we were late.

"We decided to take a ride around town. Sorry to keep you waiting." He said, walking into the nearby store. "Let's get you some clothes, shall we?"

We spend the whole day shopping for clothes, stopping only for lunch at a pizzeria. Once we are finished, we put all the bags into Dick's car, then go for ice cream. I never got to have ice cream when I was with Joker and Harley. I got chocolate, so did Jason and Tim, Dick got strawberry, and Damian got plain, boring vanilla.

When we get home, it's already 10 at night. We all head our separate ways, after we bring all my bags to my room. I start unpacking, since I'm not that tired. I was putting some clothes into my dresser when I had yet another vision.


Damian and I are in the Bat Cave sparring. We were both quite tired, so we stopped for a break. We sat on the bench, drinking our water.

"Your form is getting better. Relax a bit more, and you'll be able to move a bit more freely." He says, trying to make small talk. Completely not Damian like.

"Thanks Dami." I say, blushing a little.

"You're blushing." He says, smirking. That's when it happens.

He kisses me.

And wanna know something else?

I kissed him back.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Issabelle Todd?" He asks.

Instead of using words to answer, I kiss him yet again, answering his question.

~End Flashback~

'Damian and I were together?' I think, sitting down onto my bed. 'I need to know for sure.'

I get up and walk to his room, silently praying that he's still awake. I go up to his door and knock.

"Go away. Whoever it is, I don't need your petty conversation." Came an annoyed voice. 'Yep he's awake..' I think.

"Damian. It's me. Issabelle." Wow. That felt weird. I didn't even think about calling myself that. It just sorta.... came out. The minute I said that I heard a loud 'thump'. I assume he fell out of bed. I'm trying to not laugh when the door opens to reveal a shirtless Damian.

"Issabelle?" He asks, surprised at me calling myself by my real name. I look down in an attempt to hide my blushing face. He notices and walks back into the room. He returns with a shirt on. "There. Better?" I nod. "OK. What is it that you needed. Come in here and sit." He opens the door all the way to let me come in.

I walk over to his bed and sit. He sits right next to me. I didn't notice I was crying until I felt a hand wipe away my tears. I look up at Damian. That's when I break. I start sobbing silently. After all I've been through in the past 3 days, has been to much. It's extremely overwhelming.

Damian pulls me closer and wraps a blanket around me. He hugs me as I bury my face into his neck. The next thing I know, I fall asleep in his arms.

Damian's point of view

I was reading in bed when I hear a knock at the door. It's probably Grayson wanting to insist on tucking me in to bed.

"Whoever it is, go away. I don't need your petty conversation." I say, annoyed that someone would be bothering me.

"Damian. It's me. Issabelle." Came a small, female voice from outside the door.

'Issabelle?' I think. I was so surprised that she had said her real name, instead of Emily, that I fell out of my bed. I run to the door and open it.

"Issabelle?" I say again, only this time, out loud. She puts her head down, and I look down. Realizing that I'm shirtless, I go back into my room and put on a t-shirt. I go back to the door. "There. Better?" She nods. "OK. What is it that you needed. Come in here and sit." I open the door more so that she could come into my room. As she walks over to sit on my bed, I close my door. I walk over and sit next to her. She hangs her head, and I notice that she's crying. I got worried.

I wiped her tear with my finger and she looks up at me. Then she starts sobbing silently. I grabbed a blanket from behind me and pulled her closer, wrapping the blanket around her. I hug her and she buries her face into my neck. I hold her there until her sobs stop and her breathing evens out. I shift to get comfortable, and fall asleep with her in my arms.

Tim's point of view (bet you didn't expect this, did ya?)

I had gone to Issabelle's room to check on her, only to find her missing. I start to panic and run over to Damian's room. I go in and see that he and Issabelle are both there, asleep. It looked so cute, and it reminded me of before Issabelle was taken. I quickly snap a picture (for black mail later on) , and sneak out of the room.

'Maybe our lives can go back to normal.' I thought. Boy was I right. Maybe a little to right.

A/N Hey guys, I know it's been a few days but I got you a chapter that has over 1000 words! Woo-hoo! Hope you guys liked it! Comment, Vote, and Follow! Have great day, and feel the aster!

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