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Jinnie: Skype me

Incoming Skype call Godofdestruction

I answer the Skype call and smiled at my boyfriend who was on the other screen. He had dyed his hair pink. "New hair color I see?" He chuckles and pushed back his hair.

"You said you liked the color pink. I thought you would like it." He makes a funny face which I chuckle at.

Then his face went serious. "Why did you want to talk?" He asked curiously.

I furrowed my brows. "Because I wanted to talk with you about anything. I'm bored." I complain.

"Well lets start with this, do you like me yet?" He asked. I paused and thought for a little bit.

I really don't know if I like him or not. He's super nice and treats me well but I haven't had a spark yet. Yes, the kiss on our date last week was nice but I still feel no sparks. I know something is there but I can't quite find it.

I heard a cough and that's when I knew I took too long to reply to his question. "Am I not attractive enough." He mumbles.

I shake my head quickly. "No Joonie. You're beautiful. It's just that..."

"That what? I traveled hours to take you on a date, I even got some of your friends apart of it. I bought a cake and everything." I could see tears form at the corners of his eyes.

"No Joonie listen-"

"No Seokjin-" I wince at him saying my full name. Even over Skype I could hear the pain in his voice. "-I don't even know why I tried to date you when I knew you would never return the feelings. I was just so happy. This relationship feels one-sided and we haven't even been dating that long. If I'm unattractive, ill change my appearance. If you find my personality weird, I will change it. If you want to end the relationship, I will end it because that what you do for someone you love! But I know you want to end it so I will do it." The younger boy was in tears.

"Namjoon can you let me speak for one second-"

He ended the Skype call.

I tried to Skype him again but he never answered it.

I go to Instagram and decided to message him.

Jinnie: Namjoon, you there?

[Error: message not sent]

Jinnie: Joonie?

[Error: message not sent]

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He blocked me.

My mind makes its choice at the worst times because now I'm realizing that I really like the boy. That spark came right when he was gone. It wasn't fair.

I loved his face, his smile, his personality, his touch and his kiss. I loved my Skype talks with with him. I loved everything about the younger male.

My only other source was to call him.

Calling: Joon💞

Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system ***-***-**** is not available. at the tone, please record your message. when you are finished recording, you may hang up, or press 1 for more options. to leave a callback number, press 9

As I made a voicemail, I was crying. My voice sounded really cracky and mumbled. "Joonie, I don't like you, I love you. I'm sorry I didn't respond to you. My mind wasn't in the right place. I'm sorry. Don't ignore me please. Please. I love you, I'm sorry. Please meet me at the bridge today. Please." I send the voicemail.

I grabbed a snack and called a cab. I waited for the cab. I get into the cab and the driver was a woman. I tell her where to go.

"Here hun. Stop crying and tell me what's wrong?" She hands me a tissue and then turned back to the road. She seemed to be old enough to be my mother.

I tell her the whole story, crying obviously. "Yes feelings may be confusing but like Dr. Seuss said 'Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.' The boy will show up if he loves you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but he will show up." She tells me.

I thank her and looked out the window. After a few hours she tells me we have a few more minutes before getting there. It started to rain and I didn't bring a sweater or umbrella.

We got to the destination and I paid her before walking out into the cold rain. She drove away and I started to walk towards the bridge. I sat on the bench and looked around for any sign of the pink haired boy.

I was cold and the rain soaked my clothes. I waited hours before my eyes started to droop. I was definitely about to be sick. I lay on the bench and started to fall asleep in the rain.

He wasn't going to show up.

This chapter got me in tears.

Namjoon I see that hand ;)

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