Returning Home.

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Mirai walked downstairs, thoughts still obsessed with this idea of her supposed sister/twin and who Michiru was in general. She walked into the throne room, Hikaru and Umi riding on her shoulders and Rei walking by her side. She saw Queen Mea in the room, a warm and caring smile welcoming the young pinkette. ''Good morning, Mirai. Did you sleep well?''

''Um....yeah...'' She choose to lie, so she didn't know what to think about her dream herself and wasn't sure if the queen could help her out. ''Um, I wanted to know if I could head home now, I do need to explain to papa about going to 'magic' school.'' She air quoted 'magic' as she knew that she couldn't call it 'magic' in her world.

Queen Mea nodded, giving a pleasant smile. ''When Hotaru wakes up, she'll take you home and while there, she'll sort out your transfer to the school. Your human school will be informed of your transfer, but no one will know the identity of the school. You can also stay in the human world with your father, as I can understand you wanting to keep this a secret.''

Mirai nodded, slowly. ''Yea.....I don't know how I'd explain to him that I have magic, that I never knew I had......'' She sighed, whispering under her breath so that her aunt didn't hear. ''At least I won't have to see those bullies....for a while at least....''

Umi, who was the only one able to hear her, frowned a little, but she said nothing as her cat ear twitched at the sound of Hotaru walking to the room. The brunette seemed to be walking on air, or in fact it was proven that she was when she lifted even higher. ''Morning, Mirai. I'm sorry if I surprised you, but this little guy-'' She showed a tiny dragon mascot to her cousin, the dragon being held by it's neck scales much to it's clear annoyance. ''-Thought it'd be fun to cast a levitation spell on me, when I cannot reset spells. Mother, can you please?''

Her mother seemed to sigh, but reverted the spell to allow Hotaru to land on her feet. She then spoke in a quiet strict, but calm manner. ''My daughter, as a princess and heir to my throne, you need to stop playing around with your mascots and actually practice some spells, including the reversal spells that you seem to lack in your education. I'll get your tutor to up your lessons if you don't start paying attention.''

Hotaru sighed, knowing that she needed to. ''Sorry, me, Zephyr and Kilala will begin our proper training. After I explain to Uncle about the situation at hand.'' She seemed to just want to get out of magic training; which surprised Mirai, who had never seen her cousin as a girl, who didn't join learning or studying or even as a troublemaker in general. Her two mascots, Zephyr the dragon and Kilala the nine-tailed fox nodded in agreement.

''Well, you better get on it. As the elementary school starts in less then 3 hours and we want to get Mirai into her first lesson today at possible and you have the job of explaining it to your uncle and arranging the whole thing.'' explained the queen, much to Mirai's notable shock as the girl's brownish-pink eyes seemed to widen drastically. She turned to her niece and smiled. ''I understand that this may be going a little fast for you, Mirai, but you need the training as soon as possible as your body is already starting to succumb to the lack of training and your heart compact will eventually fail to listen as it cannot connect to you through that damage, which is how you ended up here in the first place.''

Mirai slowly nodded, managing to understand her aunt's quite knowledgeable tongue. ''Oh, okay.....that is a problem.....'' She muttered to herself, not fully understanding the idea of the Heart Compact and it's purpose, but she assumed that it was something to do with her being genetically related to the royal family of the Crystal Kingdom.

''Indeed. Now, girls, your job is to head back to the human world and arrange all this with your father then Hotaru will lead to the Magic Elementary so you can join the school there.''

The two nodded, Hotaru grabbing her cousin's hand quite quickly. ''Okay, mother. We'll get going now.''

The two quickly left the room; kinda against Mirai's will, but she followed anyway. Once they were quite a distance from the throne room, Hotaru's hand left Mirai's. She stayed still for a moment, before turning and smiling. ''Okay, to get back on mother's good side, I need to do as she says. So, lets just get you home so we can explain.'' At Mirai's quite nervous nod, she continued in a more calm voice. ''Sorry, I shouldn't be doing this for my benefit. I'm sure your not used to me acting like this. I try not to in public view, but I'm not the stereotypical princess, I hate learning and I don't like all the princess-y things that come with my status.''

Mirai giggled a little, this side of Hotaru seemed a bit more enjoyable. ''Thanks, Taru-chan. You are a bit help. Y'see last night, I had a bit of a odd dream. I can't explain it, but you managed to take my mind off it.''

''Well, glad to help even though you cannot explain it. I might as well introduce you to this two.'' She diverted her eye line to her two mascots. ''The dragon one, you've meet, is known as Zephyr or the wind mascot. Like your very own Hikaru, he happens to be in the big 4. He doesn't act much like it though, as he's as much as a troublemaker as me. We're made for each other, it would seem. As for the other one, that little cutie is my nine-tailed fox Kilala or the musical mascot. She was my second one, but the one that my element of magic seems to resonate with better. I'm not keen on flying or wind like Zephyr, but I love music, especially classical or pop, like Kilala.''

''I see....I don't really have a preference at the moment. I know that Umi has water magic and Hikaru has fire....not fully sure about Rei as she's still a baby and hasn't shown her magical choice yet.'' whispered Mirai, as she looked at her three mascots with uncertainty filling her voice.

''With your selection of mascots; one fire, one water and one light, which is Rei's element. You could be quite a mix element learner.  As for why Rei's a light elemental user, it's down to the fact she's got quite an adaption to the light. It's clear that she'll eventually be able to use any sort of light magic when you actually train her up. Plus, she may also have a affinity to flying due to her wings.''

''I see....'' whispered Mirai as she knelt down next to Rei. She picked up the Baby card and managed to cast the milk spell, summoning a bottle of milk for the foal. She gently feed her as she looked back up to Hotaru. ''But, how do you find out what magic affinity you are best with?''

''It's mostly just down to what magic you learn the best, if you have two specialties then that's just the way it is. Mix elemental learners are rare, but with your magical potential, very much possible. All for one, one for all. In the case of your team, ain't that correct?''

Mirai seemed uncertain, but simply smiled at this idea. To think she was able to have the ability of learning a bunch of spells just like that, it did seem quite unique and somewhat random. But, her brain was telling her that it was linked to her dream in some way even though she couldn't explain it in her memories or the dream itself. ''We should head to the human world, Auntie Mea did say we only have about 2 hours or something before elementary starts.''

''Good idea and we still need to sort everything out.'' Hotaru pulled out her own heart compact, but it was in the shape of a star instead of a heart. She focused her magic on forming a portal to just outside of Mirai's home. ''Now, all we do is step through and we'll be back in your world within a jiffy.''

Mirai nodded, as she followed her brunette cousin through the portal and smiled as she became face to face with her front door. ''Lets get this over with, I just wanna......explain to papa about transferring schools......and I don't want anyone to see me while we're out here, don't want to get hurt or anything....''

Hotaru nodded in understanding, her eyes scanning the street for any potential threat to her younger cousin in any way shape or form. ''Okay, lets get inside and sort all this out then we can head back to the Crystal Kingdom and get you started at the elementary school, let you meet some friends who will understand and like you for yourself. Not those nasty people from the school you have now.''

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