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With the night settling, the castle fell into a deep slumber. All but Mirai, who felt uncomfortable in the regal-sized bed that she was laying in. She tossed and turned a few times, before finally sitting up and sighing.  ''I can't do this...how does Taru-chan manage it?...'' She glanced at the base of her blanket where Rei was asleep with her wings covering her face. She then turned to her left and saw Hikaru asleep as well. Umi, however, was awake.

''You alright, Mirai?'' The cat mascot asked gently, with a calming voice. ''You've been tossing a lot, I'm surprised you didn't wake Hikaru up.''

''Ohh....I'm sorry....'' Mirai whispered. ''I can't settle down in this place. I'm worried about papa and I'm confused about how I'm meant to sleep in this regal bed....''

''Well, I'm not sure if I'll help. But I can activate a sound of rain droplets that might settle you down enough.'' The sea blue cat's paws glowed and sudden a gently sound of water droplets hitting the floor was heard. ''I've also made it so that no one outside of this room can hear them.''

''Thanks, Umi.....I think I might be able to settle down now.'' She laid back down, listening to the relaxing sound. Eventually her brain just switched off and let her fall into sleep, that endless void of darkness until a dream appears.


The dream that Mirai ended up in didn't seem very natural. She felt younger and more lively, not to mention people kept calling her 'princess' as she walked through the dream. All but one girl continued to call her 'princess'. This girl didn't get named in the dream at first, but she appeared the moment the dream began.

''Mi-ra-i!'' Was the first thing the girl said as the dream began, as she seemed to wake the younger version of Mirai up. ''Wakey-wakey!''

Mirai's dream eyes fluttered open to see a blue haired girl before her, who's hair seemed to dip into a lavender purple towards the bottom of the long strains. The girl's golden eyes seemed to just burn into her as she smiled. ''Come on, mother wants us downstairs.''

'Mother' was the word that confused Mirai. It wasn't 'my mother' or 'your mother', just 'mother' which implied the two was sisters. But as far as Mirai knew, she didn't have a sister or anyone like a sister. So unless her memories had been wiped, she didn't know what was going on in her dream anymore. She just decided to nod and get it over with. She silently followed the girl, who was meant to be her 'sister'.

They meant it downstairs, but for whatever reason her dream wouldn't visualize their mother's appearance. But she could make the voice out to be a soothing sound. ''Morning, girls. I called you down because I need you to go out for a bit. It's the time of the year, where you girls go to meet the people of the town. And we want you to do it on your own this time to show that you are mature for your age.''

The blue haired girl smiled and nodded. She gave a curtsey at her mother as she spoke in a cute little voice. ''Okay, mother. Me and Mirai will do our best to please you.''

''I'm sure you will, Michiru.''

Well, that addressed the mystery of the name. But Mirai didn't understand still why Michiru was seen as her sister, but she decided to meekly answer. ''Okay...m-mother..'' She tried not to let her voice stutter, but she did anyway.

''Are you alright,Mirai? You seem a little off this morning.''

''I'm f-fine! Really.'' Mirai choose to answer with, to concern her dream family.

''That's good. Go on then, my daughters. Take your first steps into maturity.''

The two nodded, Mirai meekly and Michiru confidently. Michiru instantly grabbed Mirai's hand and dragged her out of the castle, as it was revealed to be shortly after they left. Michiru then stopped shortly after making it to the nearest village. ''Relax, Mirai. You'll do fine.'' She smiled and instantly started looking regal.

A male villager soon noted them and said in a kind, but respectable manner. ''Princesses, are you are doing your yearly meet with the villagers?''

''Yes, good sir. Our mother requested that we learn to be mature by doing our yearly meet and greet on our owns.'' said Michiru in a very mature tone. ''Me and Toru are ready to meet everyone.'' A tiger mascot appeared on her shoulder, much to Mirai's shock. Was this dream actually a real event and if that's the case, was she actually born in the Crystal Kingdom.

The villager smiled at Michiru's confident. ''Even if you aren't the heir to the throne, Princess Michiru, you have the confidence to be a leader.''

''That might be true, but I'm happy with not being the heir. Onee-sama will do a better job then me as queen any day. She has the leadership skills that I don't process. Isn't that correct, Mirai?'' She turned to the pink haired girl, with a smile.

Mirai didn't know how to answer that so she just said. ''Sure....she does.....'' Her voice was nervous, but Michiru just nodded in response to that.

''Well, good luck on your task, princesses.'' The villager said with a smile, as he walked off to join the rest of the villagers. This made Michiru smile gently, as she turned back to Mirai and took her hand.

''Come on, little sis. We have work to do.''

''B-but, Michi....'' The nickname came out of nowhere from her clearly 4/5 year old mouth, it was just very sudden but it felt natural, oddly enough ''Are you certain we can do this?...''

''You've so shy today, Mirai. Usually your so happy to go meet with the villagers. Like last year, you wouldn't leave them alone. Mother had to pull you back.''

That didn't sound right, as Mirai had always seen herself as a shy, meek girl. Maybe, if this was a real case, she was once outgoing and playful. But whatever pulled her away from her sister, maybe her mother's death and moving to the human world, also changed her personality. ''Oh, sorry.....''

''Nah, it's alright. Your cuter this way.''

''If you say so...'' whispered Mirai, in the quietest voice possible. Suddenly, she heard a crack in the sky as the sky began to darken.

She could hear cries of the 'shadow creatures have arrived. Everyone, hide'. She had no idea what it meant, but she was quickly grabbed by the sleeve by Michiru. ''Mirai, we need to get out of here, now!''

She weakly nodded, unsure of what to do. But as a lighting bolt started to strike down around them, she knew she needed to do something. Especially when one decided to hide straight for Michiru. She was quick, even if it was a dream, and pushed the girl, who was declared her dream sister, out of the way. A large bolt of lighting was heading towards her as the yell of. ''Mirai, you need get out of the way!!'' Was heard.


Mirai woke with a start, shocked about the events that had transpired in her dream. Had all that really happened and if so, how was she still here today. Surely a lighting bolt of that intensity would kill her almost instantaneously. She panted a little, but didn't wake her mascots up as she looked at the window. Light was trailing it, indicating that it was morning.

She breathed a sign of relief, knowing that she could return home soon and this would all be over, besides coming to the magic school to study so that her magic didn't potentially kill her now that it had been activated. She muttered her thoughts out in a quiet, soft voice. ''I can't wait to see papa again.......I just wanna go home...''

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