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A small girl ran through the streets from her elementary school. She has holding onto a book with a picture of a pony on the front. She glanced back for a second and saw a group of slightly taller and older children running after her.

Tears filled her eyes in fright as one of the older children made it to her, and tripped her up. She made a loud gasp in surprise as her face made contact with the pavement, blood began to run out of her banged-up nose. The child who had tripped her up grinned. ''Awe, wis the wittle baby huwt? Want me to get mommy. Wait, no because you don't have a mommy!''

The small child teared up, tears rolled out of her brownish-pink eyes. Her pink hair laid lifeless in it's pigtail, they stood darker then normal. She squeaked a little when she attempted to speak up. The boy kicked her and growled under his breath. ''You're becoming a doormat, Mirai. Grow some back bone, fight with me!''

The small child - Mirai - continued to cry. She reached out to her book, but the boy stamped on her small hand. Mirai gasped out in pain, as her hand cracked. She winced, feeling the pain of her now broken hand. ''S-stop......'' She weakly gasped out, her voice that was normally beautiful and full of melody was grappled with pain and depression.

The boy frowned, before turning away. He had gotten bored with the child. ''Guys, lets just go. I'm bored with her for today.''

Mirai watched as they left. Her bad hand lay limp at her side as her good hand picked up her book on ponies. She frowned and began to slowly walk home. Her house was on the other side of town to her school, and she had to put up with those kids every single day without fail. She thought about it for a moment, she has only 10 years old but suffered abuse at the hands of other children. Before going to school, she never believed that other children around her age group could be so mean but that idea had been wiped clean from her mind the first time they attacked her which was for humming a song from her favorite cartoon, my little pony. The cartoon was vastly hated throughout the elementary school because it was filled with ponies and magic, two things that non of the students loved.

Mirai had loved the idea of a world filled with magic since she was tiny. She hated how the true world was so cruel, how there was segregation between blacks and whites and how incidents like World War 1, and 2 and the Holocaust, happened without warning and reason. But Equestria shown non of that hatred, it was a world of peace and happiness. She actually admitted to herself once that she would rather be a unicorn in Equestria then a human on Earth.

She eventually made it to her home. She pushed open the door, knowing that her father had left the door unlocked for her. The small child glanced through the room for a moment, before walking into her bedroom, which was downstairs because the home was a bungalow.

The room was nicely decorated with various shades of pink, purple and gold. The bed was a large double bed, with teddies scattered around the two pink pillows. Two of the teddies, however, was not with the others and we're resting on the pillows themselves. One of the teddies was shaped like a cat with a white coat with blue highlights. And the other was shaped like a bunny with a blonde coat and pink highlights.

Mirai flopped onto the bed, resting her good hand on her head while her broken hand stay at her side and was flinching still in pain, but she attempted to ignore it. She glanced at the white cat and gently whispered ''...Umi...why do I get treated like this?''

She looked at the toy as if I was going to reply, but she did know that sadly it wouldn't. As she closed her eyes in attempt to relax, a crash and bang was heard. She sighed, and opened her door with her good hand to see a man in his late 30s. ''Papa...?''

''Oh, Mirai. Your home.'' said the man, turning to his small daughter and he saw her limp hand. ''What happened to your hand?''

Mirai's eyes widened, she didn't want her father involve in the abuse. It was her problem and she wanted to believe that she could solve it herself. '' I feel over on the way home and landed badly on my hand....''

''Should I take you to the hospital?''

''No, it's alright, papa. I'm serious.'' She looked down, feeling the pulsing pain in her broken hand but she quietly said. ''It really doesn't hurt.....I just sprained it, that all. I think I just need a bandage on it for a few days.''

''Alright. I'll get you one.....what do you want for dinner?''

''Hmm, just whatever you can make is fine, papa.'' She turned around walked back into her room. She looked out of the window at the back garden. It was a overgrown garden with various plants, trees and vines. ''I wish...I could just go to a world that's better then this.''

The crystal necklace that she wore around her neck shimmered as a bunch of cards appeared around her. She recognized the cards, as a pack of cards she used to play with when she was younger but she didn't know why they just appeared out of thin air. She glanced over at her night stand, where a small compact mirror rested. The mirror opened to reveal a mirror on the lid and on the base was a button and a card commune. ''W-what the?''

A bright light wrapped around her, as the two stuff animals from before came to life before her eyes and walked on two legs. Umi and the rabbit gasped in horror to see their owner disappear, but soon they were teleported as well. To where, they didn't know.

Magical Life ~ Original anime story.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora