New world.

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Mirai gasped as her surroundings changed. She grabbed the compact, attempting to stop whatever was going on but light blinded her and almost knocked her out. Her room vanished and the landscape was changed to a dirty road. Mirai gasped in shock.

Around her was the appearance of a rural town, but the houses and buildings were made with crystals and jewels, including rubies, diamonds and sapphires. She actually begin to think that if this was how Earth looked then diamonds would be worthless.

She looked around and saw some people, most of them looked normal but then her eyes landed on people with cat ears, rabbit ears, dog ears. Even a freaking unicorn horn was on a few of the town's people. Her mouth hit the floor at this. ''H-how are their cat-people, rabbit-people, dog-people and even unicorn-people?''

''Because, Mirai. This is the Crystal Kingdom, where anything is possible.'' said a voice, from behind her. When she turned however, she just saw her two teddies, Hikaru and Umi. She didn't think that they could speak so she glanced around for the actually speaker. ''Mirai...''

She gasped in horror, seeing that the speaker was actually her teddy, Umi the cat. ''W-what, how!? Ah um, how are you speaking, Umi!?''

Umi sighed, making certain not to get mad at Mirai. ''Mirai. It's not just me who can talk, it's all the mascots, including Hikaru. We can speak because of the world we live in, where mascots have the ability to speak to help their masters. You are mine and Hikaru's master and you have been since you were a baby.''

''....Wow....'' mumbled Mirai, before wincing a little. She glanced down at her still aching hand.

''Those bullies broke it, I assume?'' asked Hikaru, walking on two legs despite being a rabbit. ''Can you put your hand in front of me, Mirai-chan?''

''Okay....'' Mirai did as she was told as Hikaru gently touched it with her paw, and a few seconds later, the once injury felt a lot better. ''Wow, how did you do that, Hikaru?''

''Healing magic, though my specialty is fire magic.''


''Yeah, everyone in this world can use magic. It's a common trait, and you, Mirai, can use magic, but it's been laying dormant in you for years now.'' said Umi, with a smile. Her white and blue ears moved around in the wind, showing the bright blue diamonds that the ears processed. ''I don't have a clue as to why you were in the human world.....nor do me and Hikaru know why we we're in the human world but the moment you saw us in that toy store, we knew you had magic within you and that we could become your mascots.''

''..I-I can use magic?''

''Yep, your a witch.'' said Hikaru, flapping her eyes in a cute way. ''Using your magic cards, you can cast any spell you have in your deck.''

''Magic cards? What are those?''

Hikaru sighed and jumped onto Mirai's lap. She grab Mirai's necklace and pressed a small button. A bunch of cards began to circle around Mirai, who gasped in shock. Hikaru smile and said. ''Those are magic cards, each have their own spell and ability.''

''Oh, I see...'' She looked at the cards and grab one, a clicking sound rang through her ears as she took it away from the other cards. She glanced at the picture, which was of a bright flame and then looked at the writing. ''''

''Fire. It's English for 'kasai'. The card skill is creating fire in any method, as long as it's listed below the name. Like you can make a lava shield and eruption spell, or you can do a forest fire spell. Each spell as a success rate and effect rate. Lava shield's success rate in about 35% so don't expect it to work all the time, while forest fire has a success rate of 70%.''

''...I see. What other spells do I have, Hikaru?''

Hikaru smiled and pointed to each card as she spoke. ''First off, we have Umi's personal favorite spell card, water which is English for 'mizu'. It's 3 spells are flood, tidal and water shield and each have their own success rate. Then with have lightning, with it's couple of spells; thunder, shock and guard. I am not a big fan of this card, as it freaks me out..but if you use thunder and flood together, you get an extra spell known as 'hurricane' which has a 100% chance of working but combining them does not have their luck. And then we have the singular common cards, that you process; teleport, fly, summon and earthquake. Then you have rare cards like dream spells, illusion, age and healing.''

''Why is healing a rare card?......''

''Remember when I healed you. It's a rare card because it's pretty unnecessary because mascots have the ability to heal anyway. But, one of the healing spells your card lists is 'healing from almost death' which is a very rare spell to be listed. Not even mascots are able to use that particular spell. The only problem is of course the success rate of that particular spell; 50%, it either works or it doesn't work and you can't control that.''

'' wasn't expecting something like that. But, why do I have quite a few rare cards, when there well 'RARE'!''

''I'm not so sure.'' stated Umi, deciding the join back into the conversation. ''But, when we meet you all those years back, you already had the cards and the heart compact.''

''Heart compact?''

''Your compact mirror. It's a object from this world....and it makes the link between the human world and Crystal Kingdom. It can teleport you, but I don't know why it would just teleport you out of the blue like this without your command.''

''..Hmm, could it have something to do with the fact I have just turned 10 recently and it might think I'm ready to learn magic?''

''If it has a conscious then maybe. But, we will need to talk to the queen.''


''Yes, this world is ruled by the lovely Queen Mea and her daughter Hotaru. Queen Mea knows nearly everything magic related so maybe she can answer all your questions where we can't. She is an very important figure and Princess Hotaru even more so.''

'' old is Hotaru?'' mumbled Mirai, thinking about how that name sounded pretty familiar for a moment before she remembered that she had a cousin named Hotaru. ''Is she a 15 year old teenager with brown hair and purple eyes?''

''Yes...why...?'' answered Hikaru.

''Oh god.....Hotaru is the cousin that I have...that sometimes comes over to play.''

'' your related to royalty, well at least that can explain why you have those cards....but I still can't help but wonder if there something move to this then meets the eye.'' mumbled Umi, mostly to herself. She didn't know how or why Mirai was related to royalty and yet never knew about all this or how Princess Hotaru managed to transmigrate to the human world just like that. What was with all of this randomness, she thought.

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