"Don't you mean your dreams?" He quickly threw the comeback at her and walked away, leaving a speechless Sakura to replay his words in her head. Oh, Kami-sama. What did he...?

Sakura was afraid of the possibilities. He couldn't have known about her... dreams... could he?

She prayed that he didn't.

Note to self: From now on, tape mouth up before going to sleep.

"So, how do I look?" He asked as he came back into the room.

Sakura stared at the man before her with open mouth. He was wearing a casual suit, but it wasn't too informal either, and his hair was tamed unlike the messy style he always had. His dress shirt was unbuttoned at the top, slightly showing the tan skin of his muscular chest. He looked... hot. Heck! Sakura might even go crazy and throw in the unbearable word that he had once used. You know... "the F word"...

"W-what's the special occasion?" she asked curiously.

He grinned. "I already told you. I'm going to do what I always do on my weekend," he answered. "Fishing."

Fishing? Who was crazy enough to go fishing while dressing like that? Like hell, wasn't he worried about getting his clothes dirty? Judging from his taste in coffee table, his choice of clothes must have been pricey as well. Fishing—he freaking dressed up like a God to go fishing. What was so great about rearing in a bunch of smelly fish out of a lake?!

"You're going fishing in that?" Sakura had to ask. If only she had kept her mouth shut...

Syaoran was confused by her question. "What else would I wear if I'm going fishi—oh my god!" he started laughing uncontrollably. "You think I'm going fishing for real?"

"Well, you said you were going fishing."

"You seriously need to get out more," he said. "I meant—I'm going to fish for girls."

Sakura let out a silent 'oh'.

"Tell me... when people say 'there are plenty of fishes in the sea', what do you think they mean?"

"That there's a lot of fish in the sea," Sakura replied. "There are sharks, flounders, clown fish, angelfish, trout, catfish..." And the list went on.

Syaoran ruffled her hair. "You have a lot to learn, my dear Sakura. A lot." He quickly looked at his watch. "Well, got to go. I'll give you your lessons some other time," he said. "I'll either come home late or not come home at all."

He gave her a quick wink and slipped out the door before she could open her mouth to say something. Sakura sighed. He was a fast worker bee, wasn't he?

Sakura looked at the time. It wasn't even ten in the morning yet. Tomoyo was probably still in bed. After all, it was a Saturday morning and last night was a Friday night—you know what that meant. Ohh, yes.

Sakura grinned evilly and took out her cell phone, speed dialing her friend's home phone number. "Sakura, for God's sake!" cried a certain agitated black-haired man, whom she loved very dearly.

"Rise and shine, Eriol-kun!" Sakura giggled. "Did I call at a bad time?"

Eriol growled. "It's your friend." Sakura heard him said to Tomoyo while mumbling something about 'kill kill kill' and 'stab choke stab'.

"Sakura," her friend's voice sounded very exhausted, "Why so early?"

"I'm bored..." Sakura replied. "And I couldn't resist the urge to annoy your man."

"Congrats, you did what you set out to do."

"Are you free today?"

"Yeah. Eriol is leaving for a two days business trip, " Tomoyo answered.

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