Chapter Two

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This banner is so beautiful, especially the eyes, I'm obsessed with them, thank you so much for making it for me Meghan (:

If you would like a mention for your banner, send it into

Word Count: 2022


It took me at least two minutes to figure out where I was when I next opened my eyes.

I haven't stared at a ceiling in a long time. There has also never been something so comfortable and soft underneath me, or warm wrapped around me since I ran away. The feeling is awfully daunting, and for a good moment, I am paralysed. And not from the drugs Rylan's little team must have fed me last night.

I sit up slowly, rubbing a mildly aching head. This is the first time I have let Rylan get to me. I shouldn't have gone in for the meeting...I know better than that.

Sliding my legs out of bed, I look down, and cringe.

I've been put in a silky white nightgown made of pure satin. It reaches to my mid thigh, the trim pasted with baby blue lace. It breathes the Purity Pack, and all Rylan's wealth he is willing to waste on a fugitive. What did he do with my other clothes? I only have two different pairs I switch between every few days.

My wrists are slightly raw from the handcuffs, although, I'm glad they weren't silver.

As I stand, I look around the room. Honestly, I expected him to throw me into some dark prison out of fear, or keep me handcuffed. Instead, I have been gifted a beautiful room. My feet that haven't touched the soft strands of carpet in a year are as grateful as my eyes, as they drink in the sight of a room that many would probably not faze the normal person. Four walls around me and some windows are enough to remind me of what I left behind him.

As much as I miss the comfort, I feel on edge. There is no way I'm staying here any longer than I have to. I'm getting out here now.

Grabbing under the ridge of the window, I try to heave it up. Of course, it' locked. Glancing around, there are two doors to this small room, that has been dressed only with a dresser and small desk. The colour scheme is a white and a simple pasty blue, like the lace on my gown. I wander to the first door, and it opens easily.

It's a bathroom. Another common commodity I have lived without.

The tiles feel cool under my feet, as I step into the lavish room. I try to imagine this building from the outside, after all the times I have observed it. His estate is almost as large as the forest that borders it, which leaves me little room to fully determine whereabouts I am within it. This also limits my ability to escape. If I am east of the building, I have no chance to get past his guards.

I allow myself a few seconds to admire the shower that looks a lot more inviting than the river I am used to before I check the second door. Convinced it wasn't going to work, my heart falls, until it opens with the slightest touch.

Am I dreaming? Was it really Rylan who took me, or a kinder soul?

Wandering out, I really have no idea of where I am going. I take a few doors here and there, but every time I am back in a hallway that looks exactly the same as every other one I have seen. Eventually, I became so painfully lost I begin hitting every wall I bypass, wishing it was my head on it instead.

Perhaps this is Rylan's sick version of torture. Have me wander around aimlessly until I go borderline insane. It's working.

Coming to a stop, I exhale and defeat, before sliding my back down the wall, my head falling into my hands.

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