"Part One"

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Part One: Strange Thing Called Love


  "Ms.Benson you have to find your tutor.Your grades are failing .You need to graduate " Mrs.Anderon the principal said.


"Chloe don't worry about who will tutor you cause we've found the best and please dont scare the poor guy away ,okay" she added .Wait a guy what the cow!

"Wait a guy?" I ask she noded and theirs someone who knocks at the door and Mrs.Anderson yell for him to enter

"Jerome come in"

"So Chloe he is Jerome Jone and he will be your tutor until the last semester ends" she continue i look up and saw a tall guy wearing glasses .Typical Nerd

"You both can go back to your classes now and you can decide on where and what time you two will have a tutoring session" she said dismissing us.


"Hey Nerd " i called and he look down ..ohh the disadvantage of bieng tall.

"Y-y-ea---h" he stutter and look away.Oh so the nerd boy is shy eh.

"You can't tell anyone about this stupid tutoring session and be at my house at 5" i said and walked to where my class is.

Okay so I am Chloe Benson the one and only Queen bee of Bellham High yep I'm popular by popular means I'm tge most mean as everyone say and i don't care of what others feel except for my Best friend Becky Korp and  Kelly Kenyon and of course my super H-O-T boyfie Zyv Dropes

Me and Zyv had been in a relationship for almost 7 months and he's really sweet and handsome and did i mention he's handsome.He's also the most popular guy in school so that makes us the best couple .

Becky , Kelly and I had been best frieds since diaper so we're really that close Kelly is the most caring ,sweet and forgivable person you'll meet .While on Becky is the beauty freak and the straight to the point one .Me well I'm the Meanest and the bitch(✌) of them all. All the things goes on my way .

    "Hey babe" Zyv greeted me and kissed my lip tenderly. Ohh I'm melting.

   "Hey where have you been?" I ask as i steal a fries from his lunch tray. And that is one another fact about me I ate a lot like A LOT. Food is heaven you know.

  "Just hanging out with the guys" he answered and try to steal a bite from my sandwich but i slapp his hand a way and punch him playfully .Do Not Mess With My Food.😈

"So Chloe wanna go to Trevor's part this friday?" Zyv asked.

"Umm ,I don't really have any plans i guess so ,sure I'll come" i replied

And the bell rings signaling that lunch is finally over ,.

After class i drove to my house and change to a verry long shirt and i didn't bother wearing any short cause its only obove my mid thigh.

'Ding,ding,ding '

Who could that possibly be. I ran downstairs carrying a guitar that i will use to hit if ever its a robber.

I slowly open the door and when i see a tall figure maybe  6'1 or above taller and  I don't know who he is cause his head is covered with a cap and thats when I freak out I hit him with my guitar and i hit his face 2 times and then his arm and i guess it hurts cause he then shouted.

"CHLOE STOP ITS ME JEROME"  and i stop and look at him ..Oh Gosh his eyes were kinda purple and a cut on his forehead that is still bleading his glass we're broken ..Ohh ow.

"Oh gosh Jerome I'm sorry I didn't mean to I thought you we're a robber" I panicked and pull his arm guiding him towards the living room and run as fast as i can to my bedroom and get my first aid kit and jogged back to him .

I started to clean the cut on his Forehead while he was holding an ice pack touching it to the bruise that started to form. Its really an awkward position cause our nose we're close to touching i blush and he notice our position and he also blush .ohh cute. Wait what Cute ohh man I'm i think I'm going crazy.

"Ohh gosh Jerome I'm really sorry didn't mean to do it ,,i-i,just thought that you we're a murderer or rapist i really am sorry" i sincerely said.

"It's fine don't worry " he said and i realized he isn't wearing a glass and that made him look hot?

Oh gosh i need to go to a doctor ..

"Umm uhh Chloe ?" Jerome said it sound so good the way my name rolled out of his mouth. Snap out of it.

"Yes" i tried to hid my smile .

"Lets start our tutoring session so we could finish it early" he stated.

"Uhh yeah amm I'm j-j-u-s-t gonna go get my b-o--oks " dammit Chloe get a grip why do you have to stuter in front of this nerd. Correction cute nerd ... Ohh man..


After we're done studying and him tutoring me on many subject we are finally done. Phew..

"I should head home now uhmm goodbye Chloe" he said

"Okay I'll walk you to the door" i replied

I walked him through the door not uttering a single word.
Finally wow is my house really that big that it takes forever to get through this magical door.

"Bye" he said and started to walk to his bike

"Umm Jerome ," I called his name and his head snap to me.
"I am really sorry for what happened earlier" i once again apologized.

"It's fine " Jerome flash me a smile and started to pedal his bike.

Yey jump up high.

I just finished my first part how's it guys ..
Don't forget to vote , comment , share and follow me ..

Love ya guys😘😘

Jerome's picture above👆👆👆👆

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