Lady of waves.

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You don't come this far
just to give up now..
Little storm
and you are ready to put your sword down.?

let me tell you the story of one.
story that have told by none.

Have you heard about that ship of the big blue ocean..?
That one called as "lady of waves".?
she was on journey to her favourite island..
Dolphins and whales,
for all she always craved..

She was traveling around.
watching beauty of water
away from the ground..

but as you know
happy hours are so short.

one day.
a big storm come to meet her.
trying hard to get her on her  knees.
but she didn't give up.
fight  back like a warrior.

imagine her.
battling with waves just to get through them.
cause she knows
she is capable of it.

Just to reach seashore.
she gave in everything she had.

do you know.?
she conquered her battle..
and sailed whole ocean.
reached to that Iceland.
named Dream land.

so tell me,
What will you take from it .?
you will give up or you will fight  your storms and reach your wonderland. ?

For you and me.
just hang it there for sec.

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