For him

42 5 4

Do you remember. ?
when we first met.
talkd about some movies
maybe about comic sets.

You have my favourite songs in your favourites.
That makes you more special to me.

We are perfect together..
we always find words to share
there is no small talk
we always got along
and make it long and long

Our conversations are my favourite novels.
to me they are treasures.
we have won it after long battle
So we got to hide them somewhere.

Isn't it weird.?
how your one smile can change my mood..
If I am sky full of stars
then you are my moon.

You have become my happy days.
you are my sunny rays.
I love you like earth loves rain.
you don't know this
but with you
I forget my pains.

Your eyes
I want to get lost in them..
Your lips
I want to be the smile for them..
For you
I'm ready to fall again
We got to try boy.
why worry about them.???

for crush.
hes bitch bt hes cute.

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