once *

82 5 0

I was a lier.
I lied  about some stuffs.
I maybe, was bad
I hurt u but only


Do you ever wonder
while turning in your sheets

why i was missing you even when your hand was in mine..

Why it was always hard to find myself in your eyes.

Why there was always tears in my nights.

Why i always needed to tell you that you're mine.

When you never
Told me
That you're mine.

When you never
Asked me
If i was fine.

So if I ever lied
it's fair
because you lied to me too

I lied for loving you
so its fair
if I lied to you too

I behaved bad
but was it really bad.?
telling stealers that you're mine
is not a bad dude

And hurt.?
if hurting was the only way
to show your my worth
then sorry, you
deserved it.

Shitty one.

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