Chapter 19 - Why?

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I reach over and take her hand, "No problem." I let go and we meander back over to the party. I watch her walk over to her husband. His arms go around her and he kisses her on the forehead. They both look blissful.

"What did she want?" I feel Solomon's arm come around my waist from behind.

I turn in his arms looking up at him, "She wanted to thank me for being nice to her kids, even after what she did to me that day."

He leans down and touches his lips to mine briefly. "She does owe you that. It looks like they have worked things out, and I'm very happy for them." I nod in agreement.

I gaze around the room at the party and start laughing at Tyler running around with the children at the party. They're all laughing and chasing each other. The curtain opens and the mechanical animal band starts singing the song, 'Today is Your Birthday'. All of the kids stop what they are doing and start to dance to the song. I look on as Amy and Meg dance with Tyler together. I love that Amy has my guys for her also. They treat her just like they treat Meg. I know my brothers are awesome and have always given her that male influence, but they aren't there all of the time and my men now are.

I turn around fully in Solomon's arms again so that now my back is to his front. I look for Grey and he's talking to a couple of parents. Frankie and Dylan are nearby talking to one of the employees. She has a smile on her face, so it must be a good conversation. Rand and Cam are sitting back in one of the booths, observing what's going on around us and commenting every now and then.

We get the kids to settle down after a little while of running around and watch Meg open her gifts. After she gets them all opened, she thanks everyone. We pack up and everyone leaves the party. When we finally get home, we put on our swimsuits and sit outside on the beach for a little while before having a light dinner and going to bed.

After church today, we change clothes and go to a carnival that we heard about yesterday. It'll be a great way to wrap up Meg's birthday weekend.

We buy our tickets and watch the girls get on all of the children's rides. We let them stuff themselves with junk and they are having a great time. As the end of the afternoon approaches, the girls seem to wear down some and we decide to head home.

The walk out to the car is slow due to all of us being tired. We turn the corner to the car park and he's all of a sudden in front of me. I stop abruptly, making Solomon run into the back of me.

"You look older." He looks at Amy leaning against me, peeking up at him through her sleepy eyes, "Is this one mine?" He waves his hand in her direction.

Tyler picks up Amy and Grey picks up Meg and take them to the car. Solomon moves to stand beside me.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing, but since I've seen you and my daughter and I know that you have all of this money along with what I pay in child support, maybe I should ask for visitation. I really should get to know my child," his stance is relaxed and then his eyes change, "After all, I am paying for her."

Sol moves to step towards him, but I stop him. My hands go to my hips, "You also made her with a sixteen-year-old child. When she told you that she was pregnant, you disappeared. What does that say about you?" I want to choke him so bad. I'm trying to hold my temper, but I'm slowly failing.

"Is this your boyfriend? Are you sleeping with all of them? It would help me in court if you are. I may file for full custody, since you are a slut." His slimy smile is all I can take. I jump up to hit him in his face when I'm pulled back by Solomon.

Love Makes Us One (Part 2 of Four Makes One) Ronnie's Story(Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ