𝐱𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤, 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬

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[ xlvii

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[ xlvii. good luck, dumbass ]

august 13th, 2012


THE SHRILL, INCESSANT BLARE of the horn pierced through Astrid Dixon's consciousness, merging with the thunderous cadence of her own heart racing in her ears. She pushed forward, a primal determination fueling every sinew of her being as she bull-dozed through the dense thicket. Overcoming stumps and evading low-slung branches, she propelled herself with every ounce of strength. Each lash of tree limbs against her burning cheeks and bare arms was a mere afterthought, overridden by the rush of adrenaline pumping through her veins.

Fellow Alexandrians raced both alongside and behind her, also desperate to reach safety. They had managed to carve out a lead from the walkers trailing behind. No matter, as long as the horn persisted, the undead would doggedly follow them.

Astrid's focus had locked on Glenn's figure ahead, and she willed herself to match his pace. The slope of the woodsy hill steepened, compelling her to lean forward, her hands occasionally finding purchase in the earth when her legs faltered. Jaw clenched, she launched herself onward, digging her feet into the soil for traction.

Glenn came to a sudden halt in Astrid's path, and she teetered back, only saved from collision by his catching of her. She automatically grasped his shoulders in response, steadying herself as she fought for breath, gathering her bearings while they awaited the others.

"Try again," Glenn directed Rick, who approached behind them.

Rick raised the CB radio to his lips. "Tobin, the horn isn't stopping. Light it up. You hear me?" Silence echoed back, replaced only by static. "Tobin?"

Snarls of walkers filled the air ahead, and Astrid glanced up, spotting two. "Michonne," She alerted, already planning her move. "I'll take the left."

Rick and Glenn proceeded onward while Michonne and Astrid moved to confront the approaching stragglers. Astrid's blade plunged into one walker's eye, the body collapsing as she flung it aside, before turning to see Michonne decapitate the other. A silent nod was exchanged between the two powerful women, and then Astrid spun on her heel and hurried to rejoin the men ahead.

Cries from trailing Alexandrians began to reach Astrid's ears. They were struggling to keep pace. A man named Sturgess's voice rose loudest, fear lacing his words. "Oh, shit! It was half. Jesus, it was more than half!"

Annie, another Alexandrian, attempted to steady the panicked man as they fled. "We just have got stay ahead of them," She gulped. "They walk, we run."

Finally catching up to Rick, the CB strapped to Astrid's waist crackled to life. "Astrid! Answer me, damn it!"

Yanking the CB from her side, Astrid raised it to her lips. "I'm here, Daryl," She responded.

"What the hell's goin' on back there?" He demanded.

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