A gift.

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Half of the year has passed, and kara was hungrier than normal, as they found out, pregnant kara was quite a work.
Seeing Lena sleeping really bad, worried every time, Alex and Maggie started to figure a few things out.
"Oh, Danvers, I never thought I would see your sister even hungrier."
"Well that's what happens when she is expecting an half alien baby, dear. "
"Please, tell me if we ever gonna want a kid, we're gonna straight to adoption."
Alex was shooked, she and Maggie never discussed this, and she didn't knew what to answer, so she just laughed.
Kara screamed, saving Alex from the situation.
"Order me more pizza, pleaaaseee? She looked at her with puppy eyes."
"Fine. Where's your girl? She supposed to be taking care of you."
Kara complained, but she knew her sister was just teasing her.
Minutes later, Maggie come back with another pizza, and dozen potstickers, as Alex check up on Kara.
"Thanks Maggie."
Mags smiled and Kara whispered to her sister "she is a keeper though." and Alex blushed.
When Kara finally rested a little, Lena came back from L Corp with a big teddy bear, a tiny jewelry box and a gift card for Maggie and alex.
"wow, thanks Lena" the couple said after checking the card from theirs favorite store.
"well, I know she is your sister, but you and Maggie are helping a lot, so I thought I should got a little thank you gift."
"And what's the other box?" Maggie asked, curious.
"Well, that one is a tiny gift to my gorgeous girlfriend."
The couple started teasing Lena, as she  laughs.
"Baby! U r back." A sleepy kara said, rushing to the living room.
"I got you something", she said, giving  kara the tiny box.
As soon as kara opened the box, and saw the three matching bracelets, one was really tiny, and all of then were white pearls with two little jewels, one blue and the other green, to match hers and Lena's eyes, she stared crying of joy. then they kissed, a really sweet and long kiss.
Cause kara couldn't believe that she was expecting that girls baby.
"So, I guess you liked my gift..."
"YES!, But, Alex, does that means that it is a girl?"
Alex and Lena both answered yes, and they all started hugging.
"Alex, why you told Lena and not me? I'm your sister!"
"Lena asked me a few months ago, because she wanted to surprise you, so I told her, and told you I couldn't know the baby gender."
Lena and kara started kissing again and Alex and Maggie left the room.

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