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"I'll see you later Lena. Good luck Lou." Théo ruffled his litter brothers hair and gave his twin sister a hug and a 'it's going to be okay' look as he ran off into the train before them.

"Typical of him isn't it. Leaving me to deal with all the work." Lena huffed. It was her fifth year and the amount of books they needed this year had increased dramatically, not only that but it was her half-brother Louis' first day of Hogwarts.

"I don't mean to be work Lee." He gave his big sister and apologetic look and immediately she felt guilty.

"No no Love, don't worry I didn't mean you, I was merely making a reference to this summer." She shrugged but she hadn't made things better, she'd only made him more curious.

"Can you tell me what you did at summer? While I was all alone at Harvey's. even Kian the new guy went with you!"

"We erm...spent the summer with our dad, Kian is his neighbour so he knew where my dad lived. But we couldn't stay long, our dad isn't very well, that's why we stay at the orphanage instead." Almost every word she spoke was a lie, but it fooled Louis easily. She was surprisingly good at telling lies, though after the conversation her father had had with her in secret this summer, she wasn't too surprised. He'd left out the details but she'd gotten the idea, but she wasn't sure she liked it.

"Can I visit your Dad?" Louis asked.

"Not for a while Lou-Lou, he needs to get all better first, maybe in a little while." She held him close to her as the dodged through platform 9 3/4.

"Where's my dad Lena?"

"Your Dad died when you were very little Louis, you remind me of him a lot. He was sweet and funny and thoughtful. Just like you are." She smiled at him, "right, I'll get our chests on the train. Are you going to sit with me or are you going off to find some friends?"

"I'll go and explore. Oh and by the way Lena, I hope I get into your house and not Théo's, yours seems more fun."

"If I'm being honest Louis I think you'll be in a different house all together. But who knows really?"

He grinned at her excitedly, his bright Amber eyes that resembled Lena and her mother's glowed in the morning light.

"Go on." Lena gave him a playful shove and with his wand in his pocket he ran off into the train, his light brown hair bouncing on his head as he went.

Lena, after finally shoving all the bags into the compartment at the back of the train, with no help from the guards May I add, she gently placed her and her twin brothers screech owls in. Named Agatha and Erwin respectively, they had been gifts from their father that had appeared in their bedrooms when they arrived home.

As soon as she turned she realised she was face to face with one of her brother, Théo's best friends, Tom.

She realised her black hair has been caught up in a badge on his robe so made every effort she could to dislodge it. And even though she was a demigod, she was the least graceful person she knew.

Tom just glared at her he entire time she was trying and when she'd finally managed it he walked straight past her, shoving his own bag in the back and casually walking off to his own compartment, head held high. That boy had gotten on Lena's nerves since her first day at Hogwarts. And somehow her brother had been sorted into his house and managed to befriend him. Though she wasn't sure just how close they were.

She let out a sigh and meandered into the train, finding herself an empty compartment to sit in. She enjoyed being sat alone for a change, neither one of her brothers or new camp mates pestering her. No more Chiron giving her worried looks as if any minute she might explode. She was free to just sit and be with herself, without any judgement from others.

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