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dedicated to supermetroids

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dedicated to supermetroids

There was no way people lived in that giant house. No way could there be mutants like her in there. A mutation where she could heal things with her hair? No, that belonged to Rapunzel and Rapunzel only.

Glancing behind herself, she could see how much hair was being dragged behind. Rapunzel couldn't help but feel embarrassed, not being able to keep her own hair under control. If she even knocked, what was she supposed to say? 'My name's Rapunzel and I heal things with my hair'?

Let's not even mention the frying pan gripped in her right hand.

Everything about this place screams disaster. Rapunzel didn't want to be anywhere destructive or dangerous. After all, even mansions blow up, right?

Yet, here she was, wishing she'd done something to make herself look presentable. Maybe thrown her crazy amount of sandy blonde hair into a ponytail or a braid made up of other braids. Or maybe stuffing all her hair into a hat.

If only she had scissors to be able to cut all her hair off. But then again, maybe the mansion owners have a pair of scissors they could lend her! Just another excuse to knock on their door.

She thought of how she came across Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Coming across another mutant who was on their way to the "X Mansion" as they said, invited her to come along. Shadow, was her name. On the way, Shadow was brutally wounded and Rapunzel managed to heal her. But Shadow was taken away by a couple of humans. Rapunzel only managed escape because Shadow sent her through the shadow world to pop up here.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

Panic began to rise in Rapunzel's throat, remembering her friend who needed help. Raising her fist, Rapunzel prepared herself to knock.

The door in front of her swung open, causing her to shriek in surprise. The frying pan flew up to cover her face as protection. She definitely hadn't expected the doors to open on her.

When Rapunzel's soft baby blue eyes peaked out from behind the frying pan, A group of six people were found staring at her. They all looked completely and utterly confused.

There were three boys and three girls, Rapunzel noted. One of the boys was entirely blue, complete with a tail. Another had sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, a permanent smirk on his lips. The last boy had silver hair with a pacman shirt.

The girls looked entirely different. One of the girls had white hair, similar to that one boys but not quite. The second had bright ginger hair, not a look Rapunzel was used to (then again, she's not used to anything). The last girl had black hair and almond eyes.

Not one of them said a word to her, probably taking in her long long long hair. "Sorry. Guess I'm just a little bit jumpy.." Rapunzel giggled, removing the frying pan from her face.

"Umm, do you need help or something?" The ginger asked. She looked uncomfortable, like she was gonna call the cops. "Actually, I was sent here by Shadow? She actual pushed me through her shadow-y world and I popped up here," Rapunzel stated, smiling. "Well, she invited me here because I'm a 'mutant' I guess and she wanted to help me."

They still stared at her blankly. "Why isn't Shadow here?" Sunglasses asked. Rapunzel frowned. "Oh, right. She was taken by a couple of people. I don't know who they are," Rapunzel continued. "But she got hurt. I healed her, but then they took her." Glances were sent to each other.

"We should probably go tell the professor," almond eyes said. "And we should take her too." They all glanced at Rapunzel again, who seemed to be barefoot. "Hey, blondie. What's your name?" Sunglasses asked, a smirk no longer on his lips.

Rapunzel smiled nervously. This was the part where they either laughed or shut the door in her face. "Uh, my name is Rapunzel."

A moment passed, before half of the group burst into laughter. The other half looked at her like she was crazy. Rapunzel glanced down at her feet, a blush creeping on her freckled cheeks. Her eyes stung like they did before she was about to cry.

It hurt, always being laughed at for her ironic name. "I wasn't able to choose my name," she wanted to say every time someone snickered or laughed. "I wasn't able to choose if I wanted a mutation or not."

She never did stick up for herself. She never had a reason to. Rapunzel never stayed in one place long. She was going to leave as soon as she could, she decided. She didn't want these people as friends.

Backing up a bit, Rapunzel stumbled getting down the steps. The six people hadn't even realized she was on her way, now that they were laughing.

"Hey, blondie! Wait," they called once they realized she was leaving. "Look, I'll find help somewhere else," Rapunzel muttered, not turning around to look at these kids who should understand.

"We can help you here," one of them said, following her. Never once turning around, Rapunzel shook her head. "Why would I want help from you now? After you laugh at my hair - my mutation - when I could go somewhere else to get rid of this damn power?" Rapunzel asked, hurt and angrily.

"Because we understand."

"You don't seem too."

"And you can control the power if you stay."

Those words seemed to catch Rapunzel's attention. She turned around willingly, seeing they all followed her. "I don't want it," she corrected. "We can't help you get rid of it, just control it," the silver haired guy countered.

Their eyes met, and she recognized some emotions in his eyes. Though his were more faded than hers, she could still see how hurt and tortured he was.

"I want to talk to whoever is in charge."

W O R D C O U N T : 1,027 words
A U T H O R S N O T E :
idk how I feel about this chapter? lol

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