Chapter 1 {Confusion}

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     Eerie silence shrouded senses, vision all but pitch black. Suddenly hearing sirens and the flashing red and blue lights through the darkness, hands moved forward...  Feeling something soft, but also prickly, knowing this feeling only brought... An emotion...

     'Grass?' Thoughts exploded into words as the senses started working. Eyes opened, body shaking, ears ringing. Quickly shooting up, breathing enhanced as the figure looked around utter terror. Noticing the flashing lights were near only brought a sign of more terror.

     Quickly diving into the undergrowth next to a white picket fence, breathing eased and the body relaxed, with a frown scrunching up the face, the figure looked around once more. Slowly, but surely standing up, the figure looked down at the ground, walking out of the bushes... Shoes... And freakishly long legs...

     Extending arms, the arms were freakishly long as well, the fingers and hands slightly small and long as well. Bones stuck out like sore thumbs from the hands as the skin stretched out from underneath,"Who ever knew I looked weird..." The voice muttered, it seemed a little too deep to be a male... Though, it seemed in between of deep and high-pitched. 

     "Well... I guess I'll find out sooner or later..." The figure looked around and noticed the car with the imprinted words 'Police' parked in the middle of the pavement with an accompanying car of the same words. Conflicted emotions stirred inside of the mind, hearing stone upon stone crinkle and crack as the legs and the body started moving towards it with caution.

     Reaching hands towards the clear sides, feeling the cold as it touched the hands, the figure shivered slightly. Pressing face into the clear and transparent side, the inside of the car was pitch black with a leaned back seat and two paper-like cups sitting in the holes on the side. Pushing back, the figure noticed the reflection of itself.

     The figure was actually a she-figure... She blinked as she noticed her face was slightly curved in the glass, freckles were under her eyes and printed onto her nose. Curly, puffed, and dark brown hair covered her ears and part of her face as it settled into place. Dark brown eyes watched with interest as the other side of her watched with a blank expression. 

     She walked towards the glass again, before smiling at the glass. The reflection of her smiled back, she stopped smiling and the reflection followed. She started making faces and as she did, the reflection followed. Childish personality started kicking in as she started laughing uncontrollably, her chest started heaving and her stomach started hurting as she clenched onto it.

     As she sighed in relief, she looked back into the window and noticed she wasn't alone. As she looked at her own for a moment, her face was stiff with fear and her eyes were small as she looked at the new person. The person had spiky hair, with a soulless husk of a face, but this person didn't have a face... It was covered by a white mask, and his breathing echoed, making it even more horrifying.
     The girl turned around, her back pushed up against the cold metal and her hands pressed onto the glass. The man kept staring at the, doing nothing at all, he was clearly taller than her maybe by a few feet. He wore black boots and a blue jumpsuit... But what made the girl almost vomit, was the bloodstained knife he carried. He twirled it around with ease, clutching onto the handle as he stopped.

     The girl looked at his mask, a little chime rang in her head, it was hurried and almost... dark... She looked at his hands to notice that he held the knife to the side, the dull edge pointing towards her. Her vision started becoming blurry and disoriented as she kept staring, but she quickly sprinted to the side as the man rushed to her, his knife landing in the glass of the police car.

     The girl started running for her life, her breathing echoed around her and her heart started beating quickly, drowning out the sounds of the ominous. She looked behind her to see the man was chasing after her at an alarming pace, his pointed end now heading for her skull. The reflection of her running appeared in the knife and she almost felt her heart skip a beat.

     She looked back only to see there were two ways to go... Left or right... She couldn't go straight because of the wall nearing towards her, hoping that she'll crush her entire body and let the man get her. She frowned and veered to the left, but she felt something dig into her back and she fell to the ground. Raising her head, while ignoring the pounding pain, she noticed the knife was cleanly in her back, blood welled up in that spot.

     Looking up, she noticed the man was staring at her before he ripped his knife out of her back and leaned forward, a hand reaching for her neck. The girls eyes dulled,'It's over already? I guess I wasn't meant to live long anyhow...' She thought, now closing her eyes as she waited for the sweet embrace of death to come.

     ...Silence... The girl opened one of her eyes to see if she appeared somewhere else... But she was still on the cold, hard ground, blood soaking her clothes as she laid stoic. Looking around, she noticed that the man was gone, not having the energy to try and get up. She closed her eyes and let her body go numb.

Pathetic. Giving up already... Didn't even survive long...

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