I was soooo excited because I finally got into the chat! Of course all the girls there were spamming. Which annoyed me. I put up the volume and logged into my mahomie twitter. Yes, I have one of those too.

I tweeted, "So ready for this #Austream!!"

I slipped my thick white headband off my head. It was really gross and sweaty because of my soccer practice. I let my hair loose and combed my fingers through it. I took off my dirty clothes and slipped into my Soffee shorts and a large shirt.

Soon, I heard Austin's new single come on behind me. He's online! A slideshow of pictures from his last concert in Illinois came on and everyone waited for his face to show up. I plopped down onto my comfy leather spiny chair and began braiding my hair whilst scrolling through my twitter timeline. The music stopped and I quickly changed the tab. Austin's smiling face appeared on the screen. My day was made.

"What’s up guys?" He said, "How's your day going?" a question he asked every ustream.

"Goooood,” I said aloud with a grin on my face while I typed it into the message box.

He was sitting in his room, which was decorated all over with fan posters that Mahomies had sent him. I saw mine in the background pasted to his closet door. It said "I Love AMeezy" and it had red hearts all over. Did I mention it was huge?

All the memories of my past experiences as a mahomie played in my head. I hadn't been one for very long. Maybe four months? It was the day that Austin had his first radio interview. I had been hanging out with my current best friend, Jordan, but I call her Jo. I’ve known her since I was in Pre-K. I was lying on her bed and she was on her phone on twitter.

“Why are all these people talking about this Austin kid? I guess he’s going to be at KROV tonight?” she asked. I shrugged my shoulder because I didn’t really care. “I guess he lives in Texas, too. San Antonio.” Jo added.

That wasn’t too far from me.  I live in Natalia, Texas, which is about 45 minutes away from San Antonio. I grabbed her laptop and went on twitter and sure enough, saw the same thing she did. I checked him out. He was kind of cute. His twitter bio said “single and ready to jingle.” I laughed to myself at that one. He was a singer in San Antonio. I felt like I heard of him before, but I really didn’t remember from where.

“Whatever, he seems gay.” Jo said. I thought she was being kind of harsh considering she’s never even listened to him. But I ignored her.

I closed the laptop and placed it back on her desk. “I have to go babysit at three so I’ll text you later, ‘kay?” I lied. I hate texting. It’s annoying and I only do it when it is completely necessary.

“Mhm,” Jo replied, not even bothering to look up or say goodbye. I walked out of her bedroom and said goodbye to her mom before going outside and riding my bike back home. It was pretty chilly out, but not enough to stop me from my daily bike rides.

I got back home in 15 minutes and left my bike in the open garage. I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a tub full of cookie dough and headed towards my room. “Sar, is that you?” I heard my mom yell from her at-home office.

“Nope, it’s the cookie monster,” I replied sarcastically shoving a ball of cookie dough in my mouth.

“Sarah, don’t get fresh with me!” she threatened.

“Ya, mom it’s me,” I replied rolling my eyes. I continued to my room. I flicked on the light and hung my sweater on the hooks attached to my red walls. I woke up my Mac and searched the Austin guy on YouTube. The first video that showed up was titled “Someone Like you (cover) by Austin Mahone”. I clicked it and hear the familiar tune to Adele’s song. In black and white, a guy appeared, about my age maybe. Then he began to sing, and he was really good! After that video, I continued to look at all his other videos.

I heard the chirping sound come from my phone, meaning I received a text message. I checked it out, it was my mom’s friend, Lisa Ann, who texted me asking if I was still coming. It took me a minute to process what she was talking about. CRAP! I had completely lost track of time! I was supposed to be babysitting for her kid in 10 minutes ago and I wasn’t even there yet!

I slipped on my Ugg slippers and grabbed my bag and keys. I rand own my street while texting Lisa Ann that I was on my way. My slipper fell off at least five times, causing me to trip. “Next time I won’t be wearing THESE.” I thought to myself. By the time I arrived at her house, my hair was matted to my forehead and I was 15 minutes late.

I rang the doorbell and Lisa Ann answered it, she was dressed to go out to lunch with friends and little Tyler stood behind her. “I am SO sorry for being late! It won’t happen again!” I blurted hoping she wouldn’t be upset.

“No problem Hun, the girls told me they were runnin’ late anyways!” she replied in her heavy southern accent. She grabbed her keys, told me where everything was (even though I already knew), and left. Tyler entertained himself on the floor watching Barney and I sat on the couch behind him as he drooled starting at the TV. I whipped out my phone and opened the twitter application and thought about the Austin Mahoney kid. “That’s his name right?” I though. I went to his twitter profile and he had tweeted that at 7pm, he’d be at the radio station. “Maybe I can go…” I considered, I just wouldn’t tell Jordan.

Back on my timeline, I saw her latest tweet, “Everyone needs to shut the f*** up about Austin Mahomo. Get a life.” She obviously wasn’t afraid to express herself.

At five, Lisa Ann came back from her late lunch. She paid me money and sent me on my way home. I walked all the way back playing music as I went. I took a quick shower when I got home since I felt kind of gross from the run to Lisa Ann’s house. After my shower, I scrunched my light brown hair and slipped into a pair of black leggings and a pink tank top with a gray cardigan on top. I put on my TOMS and went down to the kitchen to eat. I boiled some water on the stove and made some Romen Noodles.

After the food was made, I went to the TV room and turned on the TV. Slurping my noodles, I changed the channel to ABC Family and watched the remainder of “The Parent Trap”.

By six thirty, the sun was going down and it was getting dark. I had nothing to do. I figured maybe I could go to the radio station and check out Austin Mahone. I stood from the couch, went and washed my dishes and found my coat to leave.

I went into the garage, knowing I shouldn’t be driving without an adult seeing as I only had my learner’s permit, but I wanted to leave so bad! I decided I would illegally drive myself this once. I grabbed the keys to my sister’s mini cooper and got in. Adrenaline rushed through me, I felt like a rebel! I shoved the key into the ignition and started the car.

“Here we go,” ...


Okay, HI! I'm Andrea and this is my first Austin Mahone story. i Just love him so much! ASDFGHJKL;

Hope you enjoyed this! Comment, vote, do your thing!

xox, Andrea

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