Chapter 1

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It's not just any Friday night. No. It’s the one day I look forward to everyday.

Sprinting from the soccer field, I quickly sped into the girl’s locker room and put in the combination to my lock. I grabbed my phone from my locker and packed up my clothes. My fingers danced across my iPhone screen as I dialed my older sister's phone number. I walked outside and waited by the pickup lanes, looking from side to side to see if I saw a familiar car. 

Finally my sister, Alexa, picked up the phone, "Hullo?" she asked.

"Hey I'm done with soccer practice, are you almost here?" I asked anxiously.

"There's traffic on the highway, I should be there in no less than 10 minutes, though." she responded.

I rolled my eyes; even though I knew it wasn't her fault, "Fine, can you just try to get here soon? I'm hungry." I lied, I wasn't even thinking about food considering I had a half hour to get home and log into Ustream.

"Yea, yea, whatever. Bye." she said sounding annoyed. I touched the end button. Now that I thought about it, I was a bit hungry. I went inside since I still had time and put a dollar into the vending machine by the gym.

It didn't take me long to decide that I was going to get skittles, I loved that candy. Just like Austin. I mentally did a little happy dance at the thought that I was going to be watching him soon. 

The skittles plopped down to the bottom of the vending I quickly grabbed them and opened the packed, thinking back to Austin and Alex's "Cool Morning 2" video when they would open the packets of skittles and they would fly all over.

I giggled to myself and continued to think about the video until I heard my phone start ringing. Startled, I answered my sister's call, "Helloooooooo?" I said obnoxiously.

"Come outside." Alexa said in a monotone voice.

"'Kay bro." I said to annoy her. Then she hung up on me. She seems to PMS 24/7. I swear.

Sure enough, when I walked outside my sister was sitting in her mini cooper looking at herself in the mirror. I rolled my eyes and opened the back door, put my bags in the back and sat in the passenger seat.

"Sistah Sistah!" I sang, mocking the old TV  with Tia & Tamara. I hugged Alexa and she tried to shrug me off.

"Ew, you're all sweaty get off! And next time take your cleats off before entering my car." 

"'Kay bro."

She put the car in drive and headed out of the parking lot. "Oh yea, you gotta hurry, I'm hungry, remember?" BAHAHA what a lie. I pulled my earphones out of my North Face pocket and plugged them into my ears to drain out my sister's blasting music.

I turned on my playlist, which the majority of it was just Austin's covers and other current songs I was addicted to. I closed my eyes and thought. It was funny how everything I think about has to do with Austin. My life basically surrounded around him.

Next thing I knew, I was tearing up. I ALWAYS do this! I think about Austin and what an amazing guy he is and then I think about the day I will meet him. And I WILL meet him. I sighed. I held back the tears so that my sister didn’t see me crying and soon we had arrived home.

I jumped out of the car and grabbed my bags I ran into the house not bothering to take off my dirty cleats. I sprinter to my room and woke up my Mac, shaking the mouse.

I set all of my stuff down on my bed and kicked off my shows towards my closet. I logged into my ustream account, "SaraMahone" and typed in Austin's name. I was relieved to see that he wasn't live yet, but I wanted to get into the chat. For some reason, whenever I try getting into the chat before it starts, it seems to always freeze on me. 

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