Vlog Life | S. Rogers

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Welcome to the five minute challenge, I know this is an actual challenge it self but this was so much fun to do so I want to start it up here.

Copy and paste:

The five minute challenge is exactly what it sounds like. Write for five minutes and ONLY five minutes. No more no less. Whatever you write will not be revised but immediately published. Please make sure to tag @BbuchananBarnes cause she wants to read all your great stories and keep up to date with the challenge. You may tag four people (or more) at random. You do not need to know them, just go through your following list.

My Tags December16th1991 ssteverogers Yavanna80 Marvel-Imaginers


5:30 AM

"Hey guys! It is currently 5:30 right now, usually the time Steve forces me up and we have to jog at an inhuman pace around central park. Unfortunately he forgot to turn the alarm on...Yes that's what happened. I know you guys are giving me judgie looks, but look." I flip the camera and point it towards an adorable sleeping Steve. Who just so happened to be on his belly, one hand under his pillow and the other on my upper thigh.

I smile and lean against the head board turning the camera back to me. "So yes, you got to see a no makeup Avenger today. We aren't as fabulous without our signature bruises and scratches, but hey day off."


"Go back to sleep Steve you're dreaming." You roll my eyes towards the camera. Giving it a 'can you believe this kid?' look.



"I don't see the point in this." Steve mumbles softly towards the camera.

"They want to know what you do on a daily basis Capsicle." Tony teases from behind him and he smiles at the camera before stuffing his face with nutella pancakes.

"Why woul-"

"Sweetheart it's 21st century, roll with it." Steve just nods and goes back to looking at the camera.

"Y/N makes the best pancakes!" He smiles giddly. "Always stuffed with nutella!"

"Currently 8:30 and Fury is actually meeting with us today for mission debriefing, sometimes if we close our eyes and wish. The mission will, be somewhere warm and I can lay on the beach half the time."

Tiny snorts from behind you. "Tony doesn't believe in my method."


I walk into the meeting camera in hand recording everything. "You're late." Fury states.

"Vlogging sorry." I smile and walk towards your seat.

"Alright you mother-"

"Whoah language!"

"Jeezus I'm never going to live that down."

"Are you filming this?!" Fury yells.



"So as you can see, apart from saving the world we actually have no life." You flip the camera and walk into the common area. Sam and Bucky fighting over the popcorn bowl, Natasha and Wanda playing Mario Cart, and Tony just napping on the couch. "Steve? Oh there's Steve!" He was on the floor shirtless and napping. "Living with these people is honestly the most agonizung thing a human can go through. Imagine having 8 toddlers with you at all times, well this is worst."

"And you think your better?" Sam snorts and when I edit this i'd put a 'Triggered' caption. Handing the camera over to Bruce, who just so happens to talk into the room I jump Sam and start pin him down.

"They do this every night." Nat sighs for her position on the couch, eyes still on the tv.

"WHOA WHOA GUYS!" Tony runs into the room and Sam and I continue to wrestle. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT COASTERS? THIS IS MAHOGANY. I'm living with animals I swear." He turns and looks at the camera, Bruce zooming in on his face.


"It's Friday!" I squeal and place myself over Steve's lap. "We always have Friday night movie after the team picks out a new charity to donate to. So no one can call us we're heartless and we don't feel bad about finishing twelve boxes of pizza."

"Thor is here too! I know ya'll ladies looking for th at extra Asgardian love." I point the camera to Thor who smiles and waves Mjolnir. "HELLO PEOPLE TRAPPED IN TINY DEVICE."

"Dude, I swear I'm living with barbarians." Tony groans.

"Bucky and Sam usually pick the movie, something about team bonding or whatever. But every night it usually ends with Natasha picking the movie and Tony with the most emotional reaction. So we will see you after the movie."

"Shut up Y/N." Sam tells across the room.

"Babe, babe no."

"Fifty shades of Grey?" Tony suggests.



"Hey again, it really hasn't been a busy day for us so we are all still pumped with energy and we take this time to play around like immature teenagers again." Point the camera to Tony as he holds his hand indicating that the other line is ringing.


"President Obama?" Bucky rolls on the floor holding his giggles in and Nat stands behind them rolling her eyes.

"Yes, who is this?"

"Is your refrigerator running?"

"Cause you should go get it!"

"Dammit Tony!"


"Put the camera away." Steve chuckles and shakes his sweaty head.

"No Vlog Life dude." I smile and film him on the treadmill. "So how'd you stay in shape? Surgery... deal with Luck


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