Chapter 12: Help

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I don't know just how it happened,

I let down my guard...

Swore I'd never fall in love again

But I fell hard.

Guess I should have seen it coming,

Caught me by surprise...

I wasn't looking where I was going,

I fell into your eyes.

You came into my crazy world like a cool and cleansing wave.

Before I, I knew what hit me baby you were flowing through my veins...

-Avicii Addicted To You

Weeks passed as the November warmth made way for the December chill. But the weather wasn't the only thing that was cold.

After that day on the swings, Ginny had completely shut herself off from Draco and vice versa. That following Monday, Dravo had came to potions to find out that his new Potions partner was to be some Slytherin 7th year that he never even spoke to. Ginny had requested permission to switch places with the boy, which Professor Slughorn granted reluctantly.

Draco didn't go with Blaise when he would go and study in Ginny and Harry's dorm. Nor did Ginny hang around Harry and Blaise when she knew that they would be around Draco.

Harry had started to notice that the same things that Blaise noticed was happening to Draco, were happening to Ginny. Sure she denied it every time it was brought up, but Ginny knew that something was not right with her.

A Memorial/Yule Ball was announced to occur on Christmas Eve and immediately Ginny wrote to her mum asking if she could come home for the holidays. She didn't want to be in a room full of dancing, happy, and in love bodies.

Her request to go home was in vain, because due to Percy's death, her whole family was going to be at the ball as guests of honor, so she was told she might as well stay, and that she could come home after the ball was over.


Ginny and Luna got permission to go to Diagon Alley together to look for dresses. The twins allowed her to shop for a dress and shoes for the ball on them, so she was actually able to get things brand new, instead of second hand.

They went to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions to get fitted. Madam Malkin had a knack for picking out the most perfect dress robes for everyone with her magic tape measurer.

After she took the girls measurements, Madam Malkin went off to search for the robes, while the girls talked.

"I think it's great that you are still going." said Luna. "I get to be Harry's pretend date you know. I think it will be quite fun. Unlike Slughorn's Christmas Party my 5th year, where the both of us were very bored."

Ginny smiled. "Yeah. I agreed to go with Blaise. Can't show up by myself when I'm being forced to show up in the first place."

Luna blinked her crystal blue eyes. "Blaise Zabini? Really? And how did Draco take this?"

Ginny shrugged nonchalantly. "Don't know, don't care."

"So the two you are still having a row?"

"No. We aren't doing anything. We haven't spoken to each other since he left me crying by myself at the bloody lake." said Ginny feeling herself get emotional.

"You two are making this hard on yourselves. I've never met two people so stubborn. Even your brother and Hermione weren't this bad." said Luna.

Ginny glared at her cheerful friend.

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