Chapter 11: Broken

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I don't want to run away but I can't take it, I don't understand

If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?

Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

-Daniel Bedingfield If You're Not The One

As much as Blaise did not want to tell Draco about what Ginny had told him, he couldn't help but try to push Draco in the right direction. Of course he wouldn't say what Ginny told him, but it didn't stop him from using what she said to help them out.

Besides, there was something that had seemed to be wrong with his best friend lately. He had seemed to be a bit sluggish. Blaise had noticed that during practices. Draco would miss the snitch, something that he rarely did. Next to Harry, Draco was the best seeker in school.

He also seemed to be slacking when it came to his schoolwork. He grades in potions especially had dropped, despite Ginny being his partner. He didn't seem motivated to do hardly anything. And the past two weekends, he had even said he didn't feel up to getting out of bed.

Blaise had a feeling that Draco was getting depressed. He hadn't seen him down like he was since their 6th year, when he was put up to the task to kill Dumbledore. The only  reason Blaise could come up with was lack of true interaction with Ginny.

"What's wrong mate?" he asked Draco as they sat in Ginny and Harry's common room. Harry and Ginny had entrusted them with the password, and they were waiting on the two of them to come back from their Quidditch practice.

Draco glared at his friend. "Why do you think something is wrong with me?"

"Because you're acting like an emo git." said Blaise.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's a muggle thing. It's when muggle teens go through this angsty, depressed, ‘the world hates me and I hate it back’ phase. Harry told me about it."

"Potter would know." muttered Draco as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm serious Drayke. You're starting to scare me. It's like sixth year all over again." said Blaise with concern.

Draco sneered. "What the hell are you going on about? Nothing now is like it was then. I'm not being pressured to kill anybody!"

"No, but you are pressuring yourself to not act on your feelings for Ginny!" exclaimed Blaise.

"Merlin’s bullocks, again with this shit? There are no feelings. There isn't anything to act on. Shit, I just got used to considering her my actual friend." said Draco standing up.

"Now you know damn well that's not true!" said Blaise standing up as well. "You enjoy hanging with Ginny. Shit you act like a crushing firstie when you're around her. You would go mental if she didn't want to be your friend anymore and you know it."

Draco and Blaise stared each other down angrily for a moment. Finally Draco sighed and admitted defeat.

"Fucking princess." he growled at Blaise.

Blaise gave Draco a smug smile. "That's queen, bitch. And don't you forget it."

Draco shook his head. "Okay whatever. So I like the girl."

"You care for her..."

"Okay, fucking whatever, I care for her! What does it matter when she doesn't feel the same way I do?" shouted Draco.

"How the hell do you know that?"

"Please. I can tell she hates my ass. She probably only puts up with me because you two prats are bloody boyfriends now."

The All Knowing Luna Lovegoodحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن