I grin and glance up at him for a second, "It's Sasha. Apparently her and Connie were driving earlier today and came across an amusement park. She's asking if we wanna meet up with everyone today to celebrate all of us finishing school. You up for it?"

Eren's eyes gleam brightly and he nods, "Of course I'm up for it! Damn, I can't remember the last time that I went to an amusement park, must've been ages ago." 

I smile and nod, "Alright, I'll tell her that we'll meet them in an hour." I type out my response to Sasha, but once I'm finished, I glance over at Eren. "When are we gonna tell them that we're together? We've been dating for a week now, and I know that's not a long time at all, but if we're all lovey-dovey today, they're gonna figure it out on their own."

Eren listens to me intently and sits down on my stripped bed, "Honestly, if they figure it out by themselves, I'd be okay with that. If all of them found out that you were head over heels for me last time, I'm pretty sure that they'll notice a change this time around as well. I don't want to worry about having to come out to them today. All I want, is to have a nice day with you and all of our friends. No more stress this summer. I want this summer break to be just about you, and me." He took my hand in his and smiled lovingly. 

My face flushes and all I can do is smile and nod. "I think I can get behind that idea." 

The both of us soon finish packing the rest of my belongings. We carry it down the stairs and pack it into Eren's truck. This summer is already going to be different than the last. My grandfather has allowed Eren and me to stay up in New York with him for a while. The thought of having Eren all to myself for part of the summer sends butterflies into my stomach. Even though the both of us know how we feel, I still look at him and fall for him more with each glance. 

Once everything is tied down in the back, we start off for the address of the amusement park that Sasha texted me. Eren's truck drives down the roads and I gaze out the window, just watching all of the scenery pass by in a blur. 

"You look so beautiful."

My head whips around to peer over at Eren. He's got a small smile on his face as his attention is now directed to the road. 

"W-What did you say?" A slight blush is occupying my cheeks, and my eyes are wide and full of curiosity. 

He smiles and looks at me from the corner of his eyes, "You...You just look so content. Like nothing is bothering you. It's beautiful. You look beautiful."

My cheeks heat up even more and I can't help but smile at his compliments. I glance over at him and lean over until my lips are pressed against his cheek. "You're too sweet."

Eren smiles, and everything is the way its suppose to be. 

After about thirty more minutes of driving, we can see a huge Ferris Wheel off in the distance, along with multiple other rides surrounding it. Excitement starts to take hold and before I know it, I'm bouncing happily in my seat. 

Everything seems like a cliche summertime movie, but I love every second of it. Cliches aren't bad all the time, sometimes they're the thing that make moments in life perfect, just like this one. 

Right after we pay the fee for getting into the park, Eren parks the truck and we're on our way to find the rest of the group. It doesn't take us too long since as we walk in, we see Connie and Sasha having an eating contest to see who can eat a corndog the fastest. 

"My money is on Sasha" Jean chuckles as he watches the two get ready to indulge in their meals. 

Marco shakes his head and glances at Connie "I'll get in on that bet, but I'll put my money on Connie instead."

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