Chapter 12- Walking In

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Zoe's POV

  I looked in my vanity. I looked in my bathroom. I looked in Perrie's and Addie's place too. I can't find my gosh darn hair grips (A/N Bobby Pins). The only place I haven't looked is Demi's, but I haven't looked there since the whole scene in the mall parking lot. I figured she probably just needs her personal space, right?

"Demi have you seen my hair grips?" I yelled to her in her room.

No responce. I made it to her room and when I tried to open the bathroom door, it was locked.

I pounded on the door. "Demi!!!"

She finally answered. "What would someone as pretty as you, Zoe, want to do with someone like me? I'm obviously just an ugly idiot."

"What? If this is about Niall, he's missing out big time. You are extremely beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Luckily I know how to pick the locks in this house.

What I walked in on was something I never thought I'd see again with Demi.

Demi, was about to cut herself. She already had four times.

"DEMI!" I screamed at her and ripped the peice of broken mirror out of her hand.

"You're to beautiful, inside and out, to go through this." I told her truthfully and quickly dialed the hospital. Then Demi went...



A/N  Sorry it's so short but it's something, and I wrote this at three in the morning sooo... yeah. Anywho, Enjoy!

-Abby xx

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