well then

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"Zor this is Zeva. Zeva this is Zor........."Zavok stated. "He's emo ...!"Zazz whispered to Zeva. Zor looked up and the three zetis and looked down at his rose."hi......." Zor spoke."hello" Zeva responded. Zeva looked around the lab to see if anything else was broken. "You three really know how to make an intrance don't you." The female zeti spoke."sorry Zeva....."the red zeti spoke. "We'll clean it." With that zavok zazz and zor started to clean up the broken glass and spilled liquid.
Zeva soon walked out.
Zavok and Zazz looked at each other and then the ground. Zor just walked out away from everyone to be by himself to think.
Zavok soon went to find Zeva in the kitchen. While Zeva was cooking Zavok snook up behind her hugging her causing her to jump slightly in surprise."ah! Zavok! What are you doing." The cyan zeti questioned.
"Im hugging my best friend."replied zavok."while im cooking?" "Yes."

"Oh Zavok. I'll never understand your ways"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 24, 2017 ⏰

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