Chapter 1

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"Shivaay!", Annika shouted at the top of her lungs.

She couldn't believe her eyes as she saw blood oozing out from Shivaay's chest.

Everyone came rushing towards them. Om called an ambulance and Rudra and a ward boy picked up Shivaay and took him to hospital. Annika couldn't feel her body; it was as if she was frozen. She couldn't believe that he saved her from that bullet.

She was crying helplessly trying to wake up Shivaay. Please don't leave me- she thought. Doctor came inside and she was asked to leave.

A question that ran through her mind was... Why would he do that for me? He thinks of me as nothing, she thought. Then why?

"You!", she heard a screaming voice which brought her back to reality.

She turned and saw Pinky.

"You are responsible for my son's condition. If anything happens to him, I will kill you.", said Pinky with fuming anger and tears running down her face.

"Aunty ji..."

"Not a word from your mouth."

Doctor came out from ICU.

"Doctor how is Shivaay", Annika asked.

"He is in a critical condition. He has lost a lot of blood. And the bullet just skipped his heart by an inch. His heart is still weak and is beating very slowly. He might not make it." Doctor left saying this.

"O my mata." Pinky fell on the chair saying this and started to sob.

Annika stood there frozen when Shivaay's voice rang in her ears "Shivaay Singh Oberoi will not die easily"

She knelt down and said, "Aunty ji Shivaay will be fine. I know he will."

Pinky was so tired of screaming and crying that she didn't had any strength to talk.

Om was standing and trying to control his tears while Rudra was sobbing like a kid, which he was since he was the most pampered brother.

After two hours Shivaay gained conscious.

"Annika. Who is Annika?" a nurse came out from the ICU.

"I am. Why?"

"He is asking for you".

Annika was going inside as Pinky held her hand.

"Stay away from my son"

"Choti Maa, please let her go." Om said

"Do not interfere in my son's life. And what kind of a brother you are? Can't you see in what condition he is because of this girl."

"Aunty ji please let me go" Annika pleaded tears falling from her eyes.

"No way. I can't let you be near him. You are a flame of death that destroys everything that is near."

"Choti Maa, at least let her see him now, he is asking for her. He might feel better if she goes." Rudra said

"My son is just nice. He cares for her that's all. He is not in his right mind right now to decide as to what is right for him. I am his mother I know what is best for him and now all I know is that this girl is responsible for his condition."

"Pinky you can't stop her from meeting her husband. Its her right." Dadi said and Jhanvi supported her.

"Yes Pinky we all know that how much Annika is important to him" Jhanvi said.

"Please aunty ji. Please I beg of you let me see him once." Annika said

"Only on one condition. You can meet him but one last time. After that I want you to leave him and never come back."

Annika was shocked to hear this. Only by the thought of leaving him her feet went cold and her heart ached like someone has squeezed life out of it. She thought for a second and realised that Pinky was indeed right because since the day she married him he has saved her life endangering his. Everyone she loved dies and she cannot loose Shivaay.

"I will leave him, I promise." Annika said and Pinky let go of her hand.

"But Annika ...."

"But Bhabhi..."

"I have made my mind. Dadi, OmRu don't ask me to stay. I have promised aunty and I will not break it"

Annika went inside and saw him lying and as soon she entered he opened his eyes.

"Annika" he said his eyes blue as ocean focussed on her and she saw relief in his eyes.

"Shivaay" she ran towards his side and held his hand and started crying.

"Shh, I am all right." He said as a tear fell off from his eyes.

"Why would you do that. How can you do that? Putting your life in danger for someone like me. You are totally insane. Do you have any idea what me and others went through this time?"

Shivaay squeezed her hand as an indication to keep quiet.

"I saw a man pointing a gun towards you and I just..." he couldn't explain what he felt. He couldn't tell that the thought of loosing her was more painful than of dying himself.

"What?" Annika wanted to hear for once what he felt for her.

"You are my responsibility Annika. It's my duty to keep you safe."

"I am your responsibility that's all?"

No you are my life. The very reason I want to live. Shivaay thought.

Annika was holding his hand as if she will die if she left it, which she will when she leaves.

"You need to rest and talk less." Annika said.

"I don't need rest; I need you by my side that's all. Trust me I will recover much faster." Shivaay said and placed her hand over his chest.

A nurse came in, "You should leave, the patient needs to rest."

"No" said Shivaay immediately and tightened his grip on her hand.


"Stay with me. Please"

Annika couldn't say no so she nodded.

Nurse injected his IV with some medicine so after ten minutes he fell asleep but his hand was still holding hers.

"I have to leave Shivaay, for you, for my life that belongs with you. I can't have you risk your life for me again. But remember wherever I may be my heart will always be with you."

Annika got up and removed her hand from his and kissed his forehead. A tear fell on Shivaay and he murmured her name.

"Goodbye Shivaay."

She went to Oberoi mansion one last time and collected her clothes but left her mangalsutra on the table with a letter.

As she was leaving Om and Rudra came

"Bhabhi please don't go. Shivaay will talk to Choti Maa once he comes back." Om said

"Yes Bhabhi please stay here with us. Bhaiya needs you." Rudra said

"I have to leave him for his own good. These are some leads that I found about Tia. Please look out for evidence against her and reveal her true identity." She handed them some papers and photographs.

"And yes he should never know that Pinky Aunty asked me to leave him. I have left a letter for him. Once he gets back he should believe that. Take care of him." She said and wiped her tears.

Om and Rudra hugged her.

"We'll miss you Bhabhi and so will he."

"I'll miss you too"

Saying this Annika left.

Hii Guys this is my first ever fan fiction. Do tell me how it was.

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